
Hi, I know my story"a helping hand" has gained a lot of interest over the last few years but I'm seriously considering deleting it. Hear me out; the story was written a number of years ago when I was in a dark place. I wrote the story as a form of release, it's inspired by real life experiences (although highly exaggerated,) and I never really expected it to gain any interest at all.


@WhoWantsT0know Thanks for not deleting it! I loved it so much, and it actually helped me a lot, so thank you. I also used one of those hotlines, and it helped me get out of a dark place. I know where your are coming from with wanting to delete Helping Hand. I wouldn't want to be reminded of when I was suicidal and depresses either, but your writing helped me and probably a lot of other people. Good Job on saving lives, you are a hero.


@WhoWantsT0know  I think it's a really sad story. BUT don't get me wrong I love it. I also think that just as you wrote it as release, some people are reading it as release. I think you should keep it up. Not for yourself ( although it's fine if that ends up being your reason to) but for all the people out there who need it.


          	  We as readers love you and want the best for you and don't feel pressured by anyone to do anything because I kind of relate as I wrote a book about some of my struggles so yeah. be safe and be happy maties <3


@WhoWantsT0know, I just want to say that I loved A Helping Hand. It was so well written, and it ripped my heart out. While a part of me hates you for doing that to me, I have to say that shows your skills as a writer. I mean, I don't think I've cried that much about the death(s) of a character(s) since rewatching Harry Potter. Thanks for an amazing story, but also, FRICK you for making me die a little on this inside. (Again, I'm saying that as praise to your writing skills.) Thank you, and good night. 


Your book Helping hand is by far one of the best Phan Fics I have read.  I have been reading  it all day, will not all day I am at work. I actually  stopped reading it during one of my breaks so I could clean my tear stained face, and had to discuss to my coworkers  what Phan was 


Omg i cant even with your book a helping hand i cried. No i mean i actually cried when dan died then i stoped reading and a month later i decided to read the last little bit of the book and phil died and i cried so hard. Holy craps you are a fantastic writer and i would love to read more of your stories