
          I have an suggestion , only if you like it 
          Now that almost every one is happy in the family what about a chapter where the whole family is on a vacation and a serious fight happens between the brothers maybe about something of their past or maybe because of a misunderstanding or fight between their kids and because of which the adults fight. And the last straw would be harsh comment made by minho to hyunjin (if you want) and no one takes support of him and agrees to minho and because of this hyunjin makes a rash decision of breaking the contacts with all his brothers and after 4 years or 5 years the brothers meet again but in not so good circumstances and realization of what they have done hit them. 
          I know this is really off track and i don't even know how this came into my mind but i wanted to take it of my head . So yeah !


@emily1454750 hoiiii.
            Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try to use part of it.
            Maybe the fight part, but I don't think I could include them not talking for that long. We'll see.
            I'll try to tag you if I use your suggestions.


hi, im M. 
          I have a story suggestion but most of the charecters would be of different age grp...if ur interested pls let me know. btw i love ur storied *^____^*


tysm for checking it, u really are the best <3


hi, so i know i said ill write the above story idea, but i got distracted and started a new book..if  don't mind and if ur free could u check it out? No pressure or anything, i just need to know if its a good idea to continue, cuz it seems kinda...boring, i think? Id really like ur opinion on it, but only if u want to. Tyy <3


            Awe. That means a lot to me. I love reading your comments and messages. It encourages me to keep writing!
            Yes. Go for it! You'll do great! I'll wait for your story


Here the answer to your question I couldn’t weite it in the comment section cause it was too long: 
          / do find it harsh cause he didn't contact him at all like you tell him his behaving like a child but send him away so he
          experience something a child definitely wouldn't and as a father he should have maybe atleast seen him cause I just feel Jeongin got so much Isolated.
          He also got always overshadowed by his brothers cause why would he got annoyed when his dad praised Bryon (ik this was somw chapters ago but still) and that says actually a lot. Also when he got kicked out his brothers where kinda shocked when Jeongin got kicked they were like he did the biggest sin u could in this household.(1)


@Wholesome_turbulence omg Author I love you so much  Thank you for writing such a cool story and I am already excited for Jeongin next surprise <33


            You know what?
            I actually agree with so much of what you said.
            Jeongin is supposed to be a really complex character, and as the youngest of so many older brothers, I think he felt really high expectations, because not only does he have the voice of Chan telling him what to do, but also 6 other older brothers.
            In a way, it kind of drove him to do what he did in terms of wanting to have freedom.
            I'm sure many in that situation would also turn to a friend group that has no expectations and feels really free.
            And I also agree that Chan's reaction would've been really shocking and hurtful, because he was used to Chan giving him everything. This would've been really shocking, and maybe it was in part because Chan didn't know what to do anymore.
            And I also agree that it would seem terrible to not have any contact with his family back home. Maybe I made it sound like it was their choice, but it was actually supposed to be that Jeongin didn't want to talk to them because he felt embarrassed. 
            And you're totally right that they did shame him for what he did, when honestly, maybe they should've been more sympathetic and supportive.
            And the fact that they made him feel so ashamed to the point where he didn't contact them long after he changed his bad attitude was kind of sad.
            I actually really love your analysis, because no one has commented as much on Jeongin's situation, but you are so right.
            Please keep letting me know what you think. 
            I do have at least one more big surprise in store for Jeongin.


I mean I forgot how long he stayed with minho but how could he still feel sorry about what he did for such a long time that must be haunting him. Also after killing this men he got lack of genuine support like yeah they called him like 2 of his family members but still like you ignore him and then this happens and yeah. I do feel like this character is well made cause he is actually so deep cause he experiences so much and also in the other book the family goes through a lot but I can't remember reading how Jeongin must have felt and that shows actually how overlooked he is that really well written the character of Jeongin in this story.
            Cause imagine having successful older brothers and than being here.
            And about what he could have learned
            I actually don't know it's a lot to heal but l hope his self esteem gets stronger
            Sorry it's long but I really feel like his character is deep I don't if you did it extra or I am reading too much into it but yeah love you <33(3)


Is there a chance that you can make a part two or three to "princess syndrome"?


@Xxfall3npetalzxx There's definitely a chance! I don't have it in the works currently, but I can likely do it in the future sometime!


Missing your story:( But I don’t wanna pressure so take your time:)


             Soon I hope to have the time to update.


Congrats on passing 5K reads on Our Family!!
          Definitely deserve it, actually it needs even more reads because it's absolutely beautiful!!
          (Also I wanted to ask one question, who's your bias and bias wreckers in SKZ?)


@Fandom_Girl_3 Oh. Haha. I guess I actually write the least about my biases. Haha.
            But Hyunjin might be my favourite character in the story. But definitely Han is my irl bias.
            Also, I think most people said they like Hyunjin's character, so I keep writing it. 
            Ohhhhh. I agree with you. I loved that cover Minho did. And I love his personality and savage humour too. I literally can't imagine if they eliminated him. He seems so loyal to the group. And he's my favourite dancer. My dance-racha bias is Minho. Haha.


Oh wow, I expected it to be Hyunjin because you write abt him a lot, but seeing a Han biased person is amazinggg, he's so underrated frr
            My bias is Minho, cos I first got into Stray Kids because I saw the eliminations of him and Felix and I felt so bad for them.
            My first bias was Felix cos DEEP voice and all that, but I noticed Minho more and he had really funny humour and he was crazy and so unique,  and I really admired him and his actions like donating, helping animals and kids, it was really sweet.
            My bias wrecker... is the rest of SKZ, however as of recent Seungmin and Han have been stealing my heart because of their voices, and everythinggg
            and they are again really funny and SO frickin talentedd


@Fandom_Girl_3 gaaaah. Thank you so much!
            My bias is Han. He writes my favourite songs. I love his voice, and got interested in stray kids because Han looks so similar to Young k from Day6. Then I jeard his voice and it's like... woah. He's good at everything. Haha.
            Bias wrecker is probabky Changbin. I just love his rap. Very talented. But mostly gis personality is just very nice. I like his interviews. He seems to be a very deep thinker, and very wise. Ooooor next bias wrecker maybe Seungmin? Also because I love his voice and he's a bit unique and funny.
            Who is your bias and why????


Do you mind if I make a siblings story? I have been thinking about it for a while but I didn't want anyone to think I copied them 
          (It's not stray kids)


            No, it's by S.E Hilton. Published in 1967. I'm sure you could find it at a library or online somewhere.


            The Outsiders. Very popular book.
            And the show: Party of Five.


Hey I just wanted to ask you how you are doing those drawings from your story? Do you make them with ai or do you actually draw them?
          (Love your story btw)


            I used to be an artist, more than a writer.
            But these pictures are AI generated first.
            Then, I alter them and redraw them according to what I want for the story.
            Creating the pictures is the part that takes the longest for each story. 
            So I guess the short answer is: Both.