رابط للتعليققواعد السلوكبوابة الأمان على واتباد
Hii I have an suggestion , only if you like it Now that almost every one is happy in the family what about a chapter where the whole family is on a vacation and a serious fight happens between the brothers maybe about something of their past or maybe because of a misunderstanding or fight between their kids and because of which the adults fight. And the last straw would be harsh comment made by minho to hyunjin (if you want) and no one takes support of him and agrees to minho and because of this hyunjin makes a rash decision of breaking the contacts with all his brothers and after 4 years or 5 years the brothers meet again but in not so good circumstances and realization of what they have done hit them. I know this is really off track and i don't even know how this came into my mind but i wanted to take it of my head . So yeah !

@emily1454750 hoiiii. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try to use part of it. Maybe the fight part, but I don't think I could include them not talking for that long. We'll see. I'll try to tag you if I use your suggestions.