
Hey all! It’s your favourite vanished-from-the-face-of-the-Earth author here!
          	As a cheeky 2020 treat, I’ve decided to publish an epilogue for my completed fic, Breaking The Ice.
          	This will be a WATTPAD EXCLUSIVE, and will not be published on AO3.
          	It’s only for a laff, and features a shady character from the past a few of my lovely Wattpad readers seemed to connect to...
          	Hope you enjoy!
          	All my love,


Hey all! It’s your favourite vanished-from-the-face-of-the-Earth author here!
          As a cheeky 2020 treat, I’ve decided to publish an epilogue for my completed fic, Breaking The Ice.
          This will be a WATTPAD EXCLUSIVE, and will not be published on AO3.
          It’s only for a laff, and features a shady character from the past a few of my lovely Wattpad readers seemed to connect to...
          Hope you enjoy!
          All my love,


Hi everyone!
          So, I think we can all agree this is the longest I’ve gone without publishing *nervous cough* , however as those who know me will know, this is *soooo* unusual for me... *nervous laugher*
           I have a question for you all.
          What would you prefer? That I leave BTI as a gloriously unfinished masterpiece that leaves the reader to speculate what happens next? Or should I write one last chapter (about 4000 words long) and go out with a bang? 
          Please let me know! Love to you all ❤️
          I am eternally sorry for my inconsistency,


          Hey everyone!
          I am conducting a small study of the deaths of fictional characters compared to the deaths of those around you. 
          I am of the belief that the connection we have with characters from films, television and literature can be just as strong as that with a close family member, a distant family member or even a celebrity whom we may not have met.
          If you would take this short survey, I would be extremely grateful!
          All responses are anonymous.
          Thank you!


Just gonna apologise for my latest chapter... I really really struggled to write it for some reason, and I must have re-written it a thousand times. So, I've just decided to publish it so it's out of the way and I can start working on a better chapter now that I'm past the story arc I was in the middle of...