@dustofsims Thank you so much! Sorry about the crazy updates. Lol
The three month hiatus was my writers block, and I really want to put an end on this book in time for the next season of walking dead.
@dustofsims Thank you so much! Sorry about the crazy updates. Lol
The three month hiatus was my writers block, and I really want to put an end on this book in time for the next season of walking dead.
I love your writing in the apocalyptic pregnancy book. It's so great and interesting. I couldn't put my phone down from reading it! I hope you update soon.
@forever_taken Hey! Although I'm flattered, I'm gunna have to decline. I wouldn't be a reliable editor, nor would I be a satisfactory one. I'm sorry./: I hope you find one, and if you need any other kind of help I'll see what I can do.