Hey, everybody! I would like it if you stopped by my profile, and read it. I have updated it with not only a short about me section but also information regarding the future in terms of my writing.
I would like to clarify that at the end of my profile I *am* asking you to reconsider why you fanned me, if you like my work or critiques, etc. For reasons explained in my profile, I will be absent from the virtual world for some time and don't plan to post my big writing project until 2015 unless I finish writing the first draft before February 2013, in which case I might post the entire story on Wattpad for viewing and critique while I am absent.
Something not explained in my profile: I will semi-regularly update my status until I leave regarding my progress in writing the first draft. The updates will come in the form of "Reached Point 4" or "En Route Point 3" types. That's in reference to Dan Wells's 7 Point Plot System, which I highly recommend. You can learn more about it here:
http:// www . fearfulsymmetry . net /?p = 405
(w/o spaces)
For those of you who don't want to look into it, Dan Wells basically explains that every story hits 7 crucial points from beginning to end:
1) Hook (beginning)
2) Plot Turn 1 (hero's view of the world changes, confronts new ideas)
3) Pinch 1 (hero is pressured by danger; bad guys attack, and reveal themselves; peace is destroyed; force the characters to action)
4) Midpoint (hero and allies make plan to defeat villain; change from reaction to action)
5) Pinch 2 (much worse than pinch 1; horrible, horrible things happen; all hope is lost; first plan fails; hero loses allies, is alone)
6) Plot Turn 2 (hero(es), in face of hopelessness, learn that the power to defeat the villain is within themselves; second, better plan is made)
7) Conclusion (climax: bad guy is defeated/conflict is resolved OR anticlimax: bad guys win/protagonist dies/conflict overcomes)
Sorry for the newsletter-like message, but thanks for reading!