
Hey guys!
          	The first chapter of the rewrite for The Kids Aren't Alright is LIVE! I'm pretty proud of it, so go take a look ^w^
          	For those who wanted to be pinged when the first chapter came out, here is your ping! @Dark_Queen081 @ParanormalSoup @Yuri-s @ddddemon


Hi All!
          So, I've put up an update to TKAA. To summarize, I'm rewriting the whole thing to make it 10 times better. If you want to get pinged in the new stuff as it comes out, let me know! Some of you already have, but if you haven't yet and you want to then let me know here or by commenting on the last chapter of the fic ^w^
          THAT BEING SAID, if you're looking for some A+ fic in the meantime, then I highly recommend Child of Jormungander by Download077 and Real Life On The Seventh Floor by Kensalyn, both on Archive Of Our Own.
          Have fun reading, everyone! I'll be back soon with some sweet sweet Overlord content :)


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Hey guys!
          Had a lot of Life Changes TM recently, but I should have the focus and time to get back into writing again.
          Current goal is to finish the next chapter in The Kids Aren't Alright by the end of the month, and after that I might do a monstrous rewrite of the whole thing. There are scenes I want to add, details I want to tweak, and some pacing adjustments need to be made. Also, I need to figure out what I'm doing for Cocytus's chapter(s), so anyone who simps for him and has Thoughts On That hmu.
          I also have a few other fics rattling around in this head of mine. Possibly another Overlord one, definitely a Kill La Kill one, possibly a Marvel Loki one (but I want to watch the show first). I am actively doing an Overlord rewatch for like the 10th time, so we'll see how it goes.