Hey guys hoping you can help me out here. I’ve been looking for this specific fanfic for awhile it’s an SVU fic and is an AU where Elliot and Olivia are in some type of arranged marriage and Elliot thinks Olivia is apart of this scheme to hurt him but really it was her mother. They have to have a child or something like that. It used to be on fanfic.net but I can’t find it anymore. I specifically remember Elliot asking Olivia to give him a son if this helps. If you have any idea please tell me I would love to reread this.

@WhyIsTheQuestion I know what this is but damnit I can't recall the name of it!!!

@WhyIsTheQuestion Please let us know if you've found it. It sounds interesting to read.

@WhyIsTheQuestion I don't know what it is, but it sounds really interesting and if you figure out what it is, tell me. I'd like to read it too!