@WhyMustIBeSoNerdy @WhyMustIBeSoNerdy hahah! Ur amazingly talented so i would easily trust you with advice!! Plus i can really relate since we're both in England, if i was american it would be different bcause the enducational system is different!! And wow you used to sketch from that, youjust keep getting more awesome! One of my latest drawings is in my profile picture (its my art hw btw) and in the background is a picture i took when it was sunny a while ago! And art is very enjoyable once you feel compfortable i guess! I'm still super excited you replied!! I also told my mates about your books and my friend likes it so far, obviously she's not like me who read the book in 5 days and re-read it again in a week.....but yanoe! And i hope your chemistry test went well even though u said jt was cool after you finished it, but i really hope your frade is high you seem intelligent!! And i get distracted with everything not just manga, tv, anime, other people, books, the sky, fur on my friends coat... Hehheh i'll just say this: PROCRASTINATION!
Thanks for all your advice its really made me feel better about a lot of things!! I will revise super super hard!! Thanks so much, I hope you continue to write as you are amazing!!
Wish me luck for next week!!