
Okay so I don't know how many of you read my stuff, but recently I've been informed of something, I'm to lazy to explain so here's a link to a book that will explain it https://www.wattpad.com/1026308785-important-hello
          	I'm basically just saying that I'm going to start moving some of my stuff to Ao3, and it should be findable under the same username as here on Wattpad. I'll still post things on Wattpad, and Every Little Choice is definitely something I'll still try and update once a week on here, but if it gets removed for some reason, it should be findable on Ao3, so yeah!


Okay so I don't know how many of you read my stuff, but recently I've been informed of something, I'm to lazy to explain so here's a link to a book that will explain it https://www.wattpad.com/1026308785-important-hello
          I'm basically just saying that I'm going to start moving some of my stuff to Ao3, and it should be findable under the same username as here on Wattpad. I'll still post things on Wattpad, and Every Little Choice is definitely something I'll still try and update once a week on here, but if it gets removed for some reason, it should be findable on Ao3, so yeah!


Okay this is something I forgot to say like a while ago- Okay, I don't know why I remember this, but after three(?) days of no sleep you become clinically insane- that's the point where you start to hallucinate. Error hears voices, yeah? Well, I'm pretty sure he only started hearing the voices after he got bored of sleeping, so what if the voices Error hears are just a result of a lack of sleep? What if after he got bored of sleeping he quite literally just stopped sleeping all together, which is why after a while his screams began to scream back, a.k.a. the voices?


Me: Alright, I need to sleep, I have things to do tomorrow.
          Also me: Read Fanfiction, Write the next chapter of Every Little Choice, Eat some raisins, Draw something, Cringe at my writing, Do some laundry, Maybe paint something, Regret something I did ages ago, have an argument with myself, contemplate how I got so lucky in life, Pace around my room, have a sudden moment of stupid sleep deprived genius- so many things to do, guess I'll just have to skip sleeping again-


Do you ever start working on an original story after talking about a song with friends and now it’s been a little less than a month and you haven’t worked on it and you’re just hit with ✨I N S P I R A T I O N✨ and start working on it again-


@Why_are_you_here666 || now if that isn't the life of a writer idk what is


I’ve even finally finished the cover, but the first chapter is killing my creativity, and I keep getting distracted by working on E.L.C. Instead-