
Rest in peace Technoblade. You reside in our hearts for years to come. We're sorry you had to go in a terrible way such as cancer, and we will never forget you big man. I may not have watched you very often, but when I did, it brought happiness that many youtubers cannot recreate. We all wish of you the happiest of days in the next life. ❤


I love you sm for adding my book to your reading list, but I am slightly concerned because the name is penis.
          Anyways, thanks lol.


@Allywhotriestoohard aww :) I love your guys' books don't worry haha


bruh that's my concern too xD what— well I appreciate adding to your collection too regardless of it


@Allywhotriestoohard ah um.. i couldn't really tell ya why that's the name but you are very welcome :)


Rest in peace Technoblade. You reside in our hearts for years to come. We're sorry you had to go in a terrible way such as cancer, and we will never forget you big man. I may not have watched you very often, but when I did, it brought happiness that many youtubers cannot recreate. We all wish of you the happiest of days in the next life. ❤


Sorry for not updating much as of recently. My uncle suddenly passed away and I am actually writing this at his funeral. (I'm not being inconsiderate by writing this, I'm trying to get my mind off of it. I've cried so hard that I have a migraine) this might continue but I'll try my best to write while I'm here. Being sad doesn't really suit me in all honesty.