
Update on Velvet:
          	Velvet passed peacefully this morning around 3 AM, Jan 29, 2024.  Had she made it until April, she would have been 16.  Her favorite place in the daytime used to be Jim’s lap to stay warm, and at night was always under the covers next to or on my side, also to stay warm, so the past 2 weeks I had put on a kitty diaper at night so she wouldn’t fall off the bed trying to get to the litter box.  She had lost pretty much all of her muscle control of her back legs due to losing weight. We never found out exactly why because all of her bloodwork and heart tests came back normal.  We knew she had high blood pressure and we were treating that.
          	Run free and leap high at the rainbow bridge with Misty and Pyewacket, little girl. I love you, and I’ll carry your love with me.
          	“If love could have saved you, you would live forever.”


@Whystlestop I'm so sorry for your loss!! I know it's not easy to lose our pets, especially when they've been with us for such a long time. You did what you could to try and help her heal, and make sure she had some quality of life


Thank you.  It’s been rough.  Having to have a bone scan today (hope they find NOTHING), my washer is broken, and my husband with dementia got up during the night and took off his depends so he wet his clothes and the bed (and I can’t wash here), plus he fought with my son and I to get his wet clothes off. Today is just a wash, and I’m tired;


@Whystlestop im so sorry for your loss 


Update on Velvet:
          Velvet passed peacefully this morning around 3 AM, Jan 29, 2024.  Had she made it until April, she would have been 16.  Her favorite place in the daytime used to be Jim’s lap to stay warm, and at night was always under the covers next to or on my side, also to stay warm, so the past 2 weeks I had put on a kitty diaper at night so she wouldn’t fall off the bed trying to get to the litter box.  She had lost pretty much all of her muscle control of her back legs due to losing weight. We never found out exactly why because all of her bloodwork and heart tests came back normal.  We knew she had high blood pressure and we were treating that.
          Run free and leap high at the rainbow bridge with Misty and Pyewacket, little girl. I love you, and I’ll carry your love with me.
          “If love could have saved you, you would live forever.”


@Whystlestop I'm so sorry for your loss!! I know it's not easy to lose our pets, especially when they've been with us for such a long time. You did what you could to try and help her heal, and make sure she had some quality of life


Thank you.  It’s been rough.  Having to have a bone scan today (hope they find NOTHING), my washer is broken, and my husband with dementia got up during the night and took off his depends so he wet his clothes and the bed (and I can’t wash here), plus he fought with my son and I to get his wet clothes off. Today is just a wash, and I’m tired;


@Whystlestop im so sorry for your loss 


(Part 2)
          She has gone from staying in the bed 95-100% of the day, to me going to check on her and finding her having walked the length of the house (3 times last night - girlie was ready for me to put on her diaper and take her to bed - diaper is so she doesn’t fall off the bed to go to the litter box) and:
          I took her outside in the nice weather yesterday and today, and she actually climbed the steps to the deck - twice. Wobbly, but still…climbing…and she actually hopped into a little space when she had stopped jumping at all.
          I am still having to give her medications, force feed urgent care food mixed with baby food meat, and force water, but now she walks up to the cat food and sniffs it…I want to see her continue to get better..I want that appt on Tuesday to see us bringing her back home to wait and watch - not the real reason we made the appointment.
          From numerous vet visits the past few months, including expensive emergency visits a couple of times, her only problem is hypertension but we have medication for that. All her bloodwork 2 weeks ago - normal. Thyroid, normal. No kidney disease. Heart check, good.
          I am so, so torn, and can’t stop crying…I mean, today it occurred to me that rather than me seeing her quality of life as bad, why not see the improvements in the past few days, and maybe, just maybe, she has only crossed over into a ‘special needs’ category that I can continue to help her with for a little while?


@Whystlestop I don't have a pet yet, but I can feel how heartbreaking and hard it must be for you to see your once healthy cat struggling now. In addition to all that you are already going through, this really feels like a testing time for you. I hope you find the strength to hold on until this passes. But it's great that she's getting better by the day, and I'm praying this continues.
            You are always in my thoughts ❤


Happy New Year.  So lots of stress, but still floating along.  Two things going on right now, and Wattpad wants me to split the messages up.
          So, on my CT scan earlier this month, a 2.5 cm (roughly 1 inch) sclerosis was found on my left pelvis.  The oncologist said in his opinion that it doesn’t present like cancer would normally present, and he doesn’t want to do a biopsy until he does a full body bone scan later this month.  Even so, he said what he is looking at is ‘not a killer’ (his words) and to remember all the treatment options available *if* it is cancer. He said I am still NED right now (no evidence of disease). So I wait.
          I am trying to recover from an ‘episode’ last week where I just knew my 15 yo cat was about to pass away, and I made an appt on Jan 21 to PTS.  I cried for hours.  My heart hurt for her so much.  She still might pass away, but…here’s what’s going on:
          I’m feeling broken hearted.  You see, my 15 yo tortie girl cat has lost a lot of weight and is very weak.  We thought she would not make it through this week and we have an appt next Tuesday to help her along, except…
          She has gone from peeing on a towel placed under her, to wobbling out of her heated bed to go to the litter box herself. 


So I haven’t been here in awhile, and getting back into my reading.  I’ve been catching up on K-dramas, getting my OTHER hip replaced (because it went downhill fast during physical therapy for right hip) and now I have to have a CT scan this coming Thursday due to a cancer bloodwork marker coming back elevated.  As if that isn’t bad enough, the oncologist wants to see me the day after the scan. That could actually be that he knows my anxiety, too.
          The bloodwork can sometimes be misleading, and my surgeon said if this blood test detected cancer, they wouldn’t have to use other means…I had a diagnostic mammogram in August, and full mammogram in November, both clear…so I hope this is nothing that has spread.
          I would appreciate any and all thoughts, prayers, energy for healing, etc, because I want 2025 to be the year I come out from under all this malaise.


            A lot of prayers for better health♡ hope nothing bad turns up again


Hey, hope you're okay! Sending lots of love, hugs and well wishes your way for 2025  ❤️ xx 


@Whystlestop I'm praying the hard part is over now, and I'm also hoping they find nothing alarming in the results. Much love and strength to you ❤


Hello! How are you doing?


@Whystlestop oh.. I hope it is nothing.
            Haha.. lol. I hope he's doing well...


I’m about the same.  I have good days and bad days, like the one where my cancer bloodwork is just sitting on the top range number.  Oncologist says my mammogram in November was clear, so he’s gonna wait and see what the number is this fall, and my next mammogram,.  If it’s higher, may run a CT or MRI scan to see if there is something going on somewhere else.
            I just found an adult day care center where I can take my husband for a few hours each week to get some rest from his constant following me around.  It is driving me insane.


So I just realized that I didn’t post an update on health issues.  I have recently completed several followup health checks, so have had MRI, CT, ultrasound, various bloodwork over time, and ruled out digestive issues, just had a mammogram where they took 3x as many pics, I waited 40 minutes, but it is all CLEAR this time.  Also 6 weeks ago had hip replacement surgery.  Recovery, tho difficult and slower than I expected is progressing. I don’t need a cane indoors, but take one outdoors until I get PT for gait.  They don’t always warn you that operated leg will feel longer and mess up your walk..but it is supposed to settle out in a few months.  Thankfully, I’m noticing some smoothing out now.


@Whystlestop I am glad you are on the path to recovery 


you’ve been through a lot! you are so strong. i am sure you will overcome this, i do hope with my heart you have a speedy recovery and get better soon! thank you for the update!<3


Can anyone explain to me why my votes are not showing on books that I have read even a long time ago?
          I vote on every chapter, and when I finish the book, I archive it.  That was how I found that a book I read a very long time ago did not have the votes showing.
          This is frustrating.


@Whystlestop I face this issue too


@Whystlestop it happens to me as well. It's really frustrating 


i just read your bio & searched up a few names, figuring out your age. woah ! that genuinely makes me so damn happy , i wish you loads of happiness ma’am , thank you for branching out & appreciating korean culture ! 
          also p.s , i enjoyed reading your bio as it was very interesting . you’d make an amazing book writer !


Ah, I have a *few* stories started, but hit writer’s block.  I’m not even sure they are worth reading!  Since I have to stop and start so much with things going on in real life, like taking care of my husband who has dementia (and my various health issues that keep me busy) I haven’t completed the outlines of the stories I do have.  I have a one shot complete that was based on a picture of the rap line.  Maybe I’ll post that one soon.