Update on Velvet: Velvet passed peacefully this morning around 3 AM, Jan 29, 2024. Had she made it until April, she would have been 16. Her favorite place in the daytime used to be Jim’s lap to stay warm, and at night was always under the covers next to or on my side, also to stay warm, so the past 2 weeks I had put on a kitty diaper at night so she wouldn’t fall off the bed trying to get to the litter box. She had lost pretty much all of her muscle control of her back legs due to losing weight. We never found out exactly why because all of her bloodwork and heart tests came back normal. We knew she had high blood pressure and we were treating that. Run free and leap high at the rainbow bridge with Misty and Pyewacket, little girl. I love you, and I’ll carry your love with me. “If love could have saved you, you would live forever.”

@Whystlestop I'm so sorry for your loss!! I know it's not easy to lose our pets, especially when they've been with us for such a long time. You did what you could to try and help her heal, and make sure she had some quality of life

Thank you. It’s been rough. Having to have a bone scan today (hope they find NOTHING), my washer is broken, and my husband with dementia got up during the night and took off his depends so he wet his clothes and the bed (and I can’t wash here), plus he fought with my son and I to get his wet clothes off. Today is just a wash, and I’m tired;