idk how to text you, cause u r out of my league now. but if u saw this, please read romans 5:8. God must’ve love you so much. also me, i will always love you even at your darkest. i know i am nothing, but my reminder is, i keep my self to be your safe place to turn to, anytime. see ya, my turquoise...
Widi udah ngga update cerita lagi kah???
Padahal seru seru loh ceritanya. Bacaanya rapih, enak dibaca. Dulu baca WP dari Widi bio 19 loh, sekarang udah 24. Wkwk...
idk how to text you, cause u r out of my league now. but if u saw this, please read romans 5:8. God must’ve love you so much. also me, i will always love you even at your darkest. i know i am nothing, but my reminder is, i keep my self to be your safe place to turn to, anytime. see ya, my turquoise...