I need to patch together the things I've been writing lately and revamp this.
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I need to patch together the things I've been writing lately and revamp this.
I need to patch together the things I've been writing lately and revamp this.
My closest friend can't come on for two weeks, my other close friend is busy, and everyone else only talks whenever they want to. I am losing my mind in loneliness. At least this gives me time to be productive. But. Help. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T TAKE IT AHHH SHE'S ONLY BEEN GONE FOR TWO DAYS BUT WHAT CAN I DO I'M WORRYING TOO MUCH AND AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHERE IS EVERYONE
Happy New Year to you all! I've been trying to get back into the swing of writing over the holidays, and plan on updating my profile here soon. Just published Chapter 11 of Forsaken Hearts :) Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy weekend!
@WielderofLight kinda late to this but i hope everything's well with you and your family
We all have witnessed the craziness going on in America. I know politics are a mess right now, and I know it's depressing, and there's a big temptation to walk away. However, it is rightly said that at some point, every generation must fight for their country. America, and our lives as we know it, rely on this election. We cannot hide forever. We have been lied to, we have been locked at home, and now it has come down to this. In March we were plagued with the virus, then in June we were attacked by mobs, and now we are being censored and manipulated. If we do not fight, we lose our nation. Make sure that you all have what you need, go to the stores if you need to. This is important, and it is big. And this is the dividing line between people going out with guns and the end of it all. We love America. And yes, I understand I'm just a teenager, and I can't vote or really do much of anything. But the battle is won and lost in the mind alone. If we give up hope, if we concede, if we role over and let them steal our democracy, all is lost.
Hello everyone! Due to personal circumstances, I've been inactive for a long time and unable to publish or talk to anyone. I'm slowly coming back to the internet, but unfortunately won't be able to pick up writing till mid-November. A lot of my things need serious revamps. I've also decided to unpublish Cracked Code as it needs major reworking. Again, so sorry and hope everyone id doing well. Stay safe and God Bless!
@WielderofLight Glad to hear you're Ok! Take your time and remember that God is here for you! God bless you!
Hello everyone! Today is my birthday, and I'd really like to thank everyone who has supported and guided me over the years. Those of you know who you are, I want to tell you that my thanks cannot be put into words. I've had a lot of emotional, mental and spiritual turmoil the past year but I'm still standing, and that is a great part due to the loyalty and dedication of my friends. This time is hard for everyone, but as long as we keep that one hope in a million, as long as as we fight for our rights and standard for our freedoms, God will help is pull through. I can never express my thanks to those who have been a listening ear during my worst times. In many ways that has meant more than anything. Taking the stories running around in my head around and publishing them, literally every vote, comment, and view means so much to me. You have been so supportive, I can never thank you enough. And to the few of you there reading this, you know who you are, and you also know I could have never become the person I am today, though flawed as I am, I can only say thank you. But I say it with my heart, soul, and mind, and you have given me the greatest gift of all by being my friends <3 Thank you.
We are all flawed. It’s not shameful to be flawed though! Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY FLAME!! I hope all of your birthday wishes come true! ^^
There is so much hate blossoming throughout not only the internet but also the real world. Riots are happening in not only my city but everywhere. At first I didn’t understand and dismissed it for being temporary, but waking up and seeing even more hate was alarming so I did some research. Yes, the death of George Floyd was a tragedy and the man who did it should be severely punished. Every life matters- black, white, Asian, Hispanic, etc. Every life regardless of ethnicity or religion. The death was a tragedy and he will certainly be remembered. But what this has done to the nation is not good. People are hating each other on the internet simply for the color of their skin, calling them ‘racist.’ Shops are burning. Tensions are high and everyone is upset. Is this what is best for the country, the world right now? How many months have we stayed locked inside our homes, afraid to walk outside? Will this bring people together or drive them apart? No one is racist because of the color of their skin but because of who they are. Assumptions being made based on stereotype is wrong. Although it may be satisfying to lay claim on an entire country or group of people for being racist, it’s not practical. Especially when that country has done more for the ethnicities of the world then any other. I know for a fact I wouldn’t exist without America. I have many mixed ethnicities from all over the world, from Jewish ancestors who fled nazi concentration camps in Poland to my father who came from India. While there are always bad people, always racists and haters, let that not make everyone a racist or hater. No one should be judged by the color of their skin but of who they actually are. Right now this is dangerous. Our economy is fragile and a simple push can cause a collapse that will affect not only our lives but the lives of our children. Shops need to reopen before they and their owners go bankrupt. People need to go outside again and experience life after sitting locked
@ElvenAdventurer I hope that too :) @7pheonixfire7 I get that. There are riots in our city and its really scary. Sometimes it feels like we're watching a tv show or book, that it's not happening, until you go out and see places and people you love and how much they've changed and reality sinks in.
@WielderofLight Thank you for this message u~u all this hardly seems real anymore..
@WielderofLight Amen. This country and the world need to be close during this time, not torn apart. I believe God is gonna do something to bring us back together soon. All we can do is pray.
I feel bad for asking this knowing how many people are suffering right now, but I would really appreciate prayers because of difficulties irl. :')
Hello everyone! I hope everyone is safe and well! These are troubling times, but if we hold fast in faith we can stay strong <3 Oh wow I alliterated without trying XD I don't normally do advertising but I just published the tenth chapter of Forsaken Hearts! I would really, really love any advice or opinions or criticism or really anything, I would appreciate it so much :) Thank you so very much for your time! :D
Hello guys! Go check these awards out! https://my.w.tt/58pt1xD6f6
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