Hello fellow Wattpad dwellers who somehow ended up on my account. I have a few things i need to say about my main book, Wiglazaid Witches. This is about how i see it at this moment and it's future.
I'm gonna get straight to the point. I'm not happy with the book in it's current form, not just because it's incomplete and the whole plot and characters where made as i went, but also because it's just not a good book. Half the characters introduced at the start aren't useful and just plain forgotten until the final act and the plot is moving forward so fast that you don't have any time to start liking characters. It's just not fun to write anymore.
As a result of this, i'm going to remake the book with more thought and time and effort poured into it. It was the entire reason i made this account in the first place so i want to make it better. It may take a while since i want to re-write it all before i post it and the book is naturally going to be longer since i want more time for the readers to like characters.
My writing style and methods have changed since i began writing WW and i want to reflect that. It was a fun plot in my eyes but very poorly executed by me a year or so ago.
TL;DR: I don't like Wiglazaid Witches in it's current form so i'm completely re-making it into a different book that way more thought out. It'll take some time but that's the point, there'll be more effort.