
Hey Awesome People!
          	I will be going on a vacation to the beach all next week! 
          	I will still be somewhat active on Wattpad while on the vacation though! 
          	I will be publishing some chapters this weekend and some throughout next week! 
          	Some are Requests and Some aren’t!
          	(And Nooo I’m not gonna be missing out on any vacation time publishing a couple things! I know some of y’all might get a little worried about that stuff and I promise it’s fine. Thank you for caring though!.) ✨
          	If I am slow with replies next week it’s because I’m probably in the ocean lol. 


@WildChild289 I hope you have amazing vacation at the beach. And I be working on the main story right now.


Hey Awesome People!
          I will be going on a vacation to the beach all next week! 
          I will still be somewhat active on Wattpad while on the vacation though! 
          I will be publishing some chapters this weekend and some throughout next week! 
          Some are Requests and Some aren’t!
          (And Nooo I’m not gonna be missing out on any vacation time publishing a couple things! I know some of y’all might get a little worried about that stuff and I promise it’s fine. Thank you for caring though!.) ✨
          If I am slow with replies next week it’s because I’m probably in the ocean lol. 


@WildChild289 I hope you have amazing vacation at the beach. And I be working on the main story right now.


Gonna try to publish some more chapters tomorrow! Was going to today but I decided I didn’t like the way some it of it was worded. 
          (Sorry Guys!) :’( 
          I got a little picky lol. 
          I know I delayed it last time! I promise I won’t make a habit out of it! 
          And I’ll try to publish chapters earlier in the day from now on! 
          AND! @Captivating_Stories 
          Is helping with a part in an Eclipse chapter!!! 
          (A Normal Eclipse chapter that will have a Romantic & Platonic Option) 


@Zelda342 ikr! 
            Cool! I started reading one of the stories btw! 
            I left a comment on it too! 


@WildChild289 You're not the only one. I always double check my stories to make sure everything is correct before I publish my stories. And I almost done with the horror (side story).


You guys…I had to get write a chapter about this omg. 
          Did you all see the Episode from today?? On The Sun and Moon Show?!? 
          Nexus and his New Design? Lol. 
          There are 2 different scenarios in this! 
          This was strictly made for comedic purposes! Just for fun! 


@StardustandCosmos I KNOW! I was not expecting that lol 




I had to *Write* a chapter.
            Where did the word get come from?!? Lol. 


Publishing when I wake up (It is 2AM here) 
          I was going to publish today (Yesterday now) but I got a little sidetracked doing some things with my family earlier…
          Definitely not re-reading through things when I’m sleepy lol. 
          Sorry for the delay guys! 
          Thank you for the patience! 
          I will be publishing a couple of days this week btw! 
          Hope everyone has a good rest of your day/night. 
          Goodnight everybody! 
          See ya tomorrow! 


@Zelda342 Same! :) 
            I think it’s kinda peaceful too honestly. 


@WildChild289 It always does, I love reading and writing stories.


Here's a request: Can you do a Sun/Moon X Depressed Female Reader?


@WildChild289 I get that.
            I'm getting more ideas for it and a new chapter will be out this week 


@Some_Crazy_Deer But yeahhh…Sometimes books don’t get as much views as others. 
            I’m not sure why honestly…
            I’m sure it’ll get more views as time goes on! 


You guys I’m on a writing spreeeeee! 
          I have so many chapters I’ve been working on the last couple of days! 
          Some are requests and some aren’t! 
          Some are requests from a couple/few months ago! 
          And some requests are from a couple weeks ago! 
          I’ve been going back and checking everything so don’t worry guys! 
          Your requests are not being forgotten!
          (Even if the chapter has been taken down I still jotted down the requests from it.) 
          I am so sorry it’s taken me so long to write some of them!. 
          They’re all X Readers! 
          I promise I am going to be much faster with stories! I am officially done with taking breaks from things and I am so excited to be up and writing more again!. 
          I appreciate you guys sooo much!. 
          I would also like to note that I may have accidentally wrote a couple of requests a little backwards (As in switching the roles of what the characters were supposed to have been or made a character a bit more bad guy when they were supposed to be more good guy. That was total accidents I promise. I am working on the correct versions for those chapters now…What happened is a lot of times when I write a story I don’t really go in depth with planning out the plot, I’m more of a writes on the spot kind of writer…Anddd I got a little carried away in the writing andddd ideas got a little jumbled up somewhere along the way. ) 
          BUT ANYWAYS! 
          Thank you all for your patience! Your support is always greatly appreciated, You guys are all amazing! And I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night everyone!. 


@Stardr0p_Th3_Therian Sorry for the spams of tagging lol. 
            I am still writing out the plot for your request! 
            It’s not fully done yet, but I will be working on it some more over the weekend!. :) 


(Posted this again because I forgot if I pressed announce to everyone or not.)
          Finally Updated Chapters! 
          Sorry I haven’t been on much lately!
          But I do have a small announcement!
          I will be gone on a family trip and won’t be back until Tuesday!
          I won’t have enough signal to be able to check things on here or on any other social media unless we just do happen to pass a place that does have some signal…
          So I wish you all a wonderful weekend! 
          A Late Happy 4th Of July! 
          I’ll be back Tuesday! 
          If you have any requests, questions or comments for a casual conversation I promise I will get to it as soon as I come back! 
          Love you guys all Platonically! 


Alright guys so I have a list of chapters I have been working on! 
          2 Eclipses (SaMs) - (1 was a request) 
          2 Dogdays (1 was a request) (CHILD READER!.)
          1 Your Boyfriend Game 
          1 Killcode (SaMs) - (Requested)
          1 Bloodmoon (SaMs) - (Requested) 
          1 Milkman (Francis) OneShot ~ From that’s not my neighbor game) 
          Re-Doing the Romeo and Juliet AU (Eclipse SaMs) I had! 
          That’s why it’s been unpublished! 
          (Making a few changes to that and adding a 2nd part to it!.)
          I started Writing an Eclipse Knight AU (Security Breach) 
          And I might make a Dark Sun (SaMs) with Nexus as a side character in it. 
          The last 2 I will be working on those with the help of @Captivating_Stories 


Oh! The Your Boyfriend Game is also a request! I forgot to write it in there lol. Sorry! 


Not My Book! I Did Not Write Any Of This! But I Did Help With Some Ideas!. 
          ~ Partnered With @Captivating_Stories ~ 
          STORY IS HIS!. (Remember Guys I Do Have A Couple People I Collab With A Lot!)
          (This Is Different Than What I Write! This Does  Contain Some Bad Words In It!. NOT FOR KIDS!.)
          ~ Do You Like Comedy? Well @Captivating_Stories Has Got Comedy For You Guys! 
          Eclipse Somehow Gets Accepted Into a Princess School LOL!
          Just A Fun And Silly AU To Pass The Time! 
          (NOT COMPLETED YET!.) 


@WildChild289 YEAHHH xD 
            Thank you :D!
            This story has been very fun to write, more is coming. I'm writing Eclipse into the whole movie.