1.thank you for following me i appreciat it, 2.we all make mistakes, 3. i really reall really loved, love, will love prodigium it's a great book, 4.i'm out of words(i have nothing more to say), 5.with love Alaa❤❤❤❤

1) If you wish to follow her, her account is Soul_Survivor_17 2) Thank you for giving our book a shot. 3) Have a wonderful day!

1.true, 2.i should thank your friend because you turned into a great writer, 3.with all of it's wonderfulness(i don't think this is a real word) of course i will continue on loving it, 4.thank you very much we are your fan we shoud thank you for being the wonderfull writer you are, 5. i think that's it.