I had also wanted to take my books down before temporarily, to thoroughly edit the errors within them that were made, since before, I was a very amateur writer, but I had never gotten the chance to because of this. So this is also a cause as to why I’d left, but I also wanted to put the reason out there as to why I’d unpublished all of my books when I did, because if I felt that I couldn’t make updates enough for you all in time, and ones that you would enjoy with the proper writing skill also, then I would try to make it easier and unpublish them before I’d gone away, just for for a clean slate when I came back eventually. That way when I did, it would make it easier to choose which of them I wanted to keep up and go through with editing, and which I didn’t from the excessive amount of stress that was heavily placed onto me before from what was an abstrusity to you all, but hopefully you understand further now. I’m back only just now, because things have began to slow for me and I’m able to maintain now, so I will be stable again with the updates, but my schedule will be a lot different than before. I will probably update around Fridays and the weekends only when I do end up fixing the book and or books that I’d like to keep up, but I think I already have an idea of which one I’d like to start out with. With that being said, I will only be putting back up one of my books that I’d unpublished before I’d went, and that book is “Two Dark Untold Secrets”. It was a newer one that I was working on before I decided on leaving, and I never had gotten the chance to work on it much, but now I am finally able to and hopefully you all will enjoy it. If I decide on re-publishing any more of my books, then I will definitely fill you all in. As always, I hope you have a blessed day or night from wherever you may be reading this, and much love to you all. - WildImaginationBooks