
Working on a new chapter for Sweet Madness right now!
          	It will take me 1-2 weeks to finish, but right now it's the best I can do. I'm so sorry for my absence the past few months. I've been juggling school and work very poorly so I'm behind in everything. When I'm not working, I'm studying, and when I'm not doing either of these things, I'm stressing out. 
          	But I'm trying to get back on track now, so I'll make my best to update very soon. 
          	Thank you all for the messages and support you've given me! It is what fuels me to keep going. ❤️


@Wild_for_BL Don't rush yourself too much! Thank you for the Information. Stay healthy and enjoy what you do. :-)


@Wild_for_BL  take your time mate.   Don't let anyone rush you, or rush yourself. 


Thank you for the post! Give us something to look forward to! Good luck with everything else and take care 


Dear author, it's soooo great that you feel better and that you write again. I was worried about you quite a lot and I will pray even more for you to get completely well soon. I want you to be happy just by the thought your writing brings happiness to many people. And be sure it's not only the writing but the fact that you are. ❤️