
For those of you curious enough, there has been an update on the poll in Reborn! Check it out ig.


It’s all good.


@MBS_41 ah, when I used ig I mean "I guess" not Instagram  sorry. I took the poll down after a while, sorry again. 


@Wild_owl76 what's your IG I know it's already too late but I want to see it.


You wele last asked in december of 2022 if you were still alive and if you will be continuing to write.
          Now 4 Months later... May i be the one to ask you that question again


@Ist_Toxic011 thank you so much for your understanding, and I appreciate the concern! I hope you have a wonderful day! :3


@Ist_Toxic011 Not to worry i believe we all understand the stress of exams so its not like we are mad or dissapointed so please take your time


@Ist_Toxic011 Yes, yes you may. I'm very sorry for forgetting to update y'all. I've been very stressed lately, especially with exams a literal week away. I've been busy with school work and personal stuff that I won't get into. I know it's annoying that I haven't updated and for that I'm very sorry. I hate letting you all down. I am still alive though, and I promise I'm okay. If all goes well I should be able to begin writing again sometime after May, since I have exams scatter through the entire month  I do appreciate you checking in, and I promise to keep you all updated on what's going on from now on!


Are you alive and doing well? You literally last updated reborn the 15th of September and it's now December. It kinda pains me that when i find an interesting story the author randomly quits or disappears.


@InternetFan yeah, I get that. I did post an authors note on Reborn talking about it. Thank you for checking up on me though, it's very kind of you :3


@Wild_owl76 that's alright. But please just update on how are you doing so we don't have to think you suddenly disappeared. You know what I mean? If you have no motivation at least try to update on how you feel so we can keep tabs on you. 


@InternetFan yeah... I'm alive and well. I hate it when that happens too, so I know how you feel. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. The authors note I put up probably explained it, but I really have no motivation at the moment. I haven't given the story up, and I know it may seem that way, but I will update it again eventually I'm sure. Again, I am really sorry about that.


For those of you curious enough, there has been an update on the poll in Reborn! Check it out ig.


It’s all good.


@MBS_41 ah, when I used ig I mean "I guess" not Instagram  sorry. I took the poll down after a while, sorry again. 


@Wild_owl76 what's your IG I know it's already too late but I want to see it.


So that everyone is aware of my plans.
          From now on, I will publish chapters on Tuesdays and Thursdays. These will be for the book I am then currently using as my main until it is complete. At the moment, the main book I will be publishing chapters on is Reborn. 
          However, this does not mean I won't be publishing chapters to other books or not creating new books, such as Red Panda. Though I won't be publishing new chapters to those books on a consistent basis.
          I am not perfect, I don't think anyone is, so if I do manage to forget to post a chapter please kindly remind me, and I will do my best to get it up for you as fast as possible. 
          I hope you are all satisfied with my new schedule, and I hope to see you in my future books! Have a wonderful day!


I love reborn and red panda! They are amazingly written and I had fun reading them. I was wondering if you were still working on red panda. Anyway keep up the great work and take rests. Just wanted to say thank you for making these amazing stories.


Thanks bub! And you're welcome . Happy to be of service! I can't wait to read it I'll give you feedback on it when I do! 


@Jiraiyaswifey thank you so much! It makes me super happy to know you like my books. I will be continuing Red Panda and will probably have the next chapter done sometime this week. It is officially off hold ; )


Hi, I really love the story, Red Panda. I was wondering if you can continue it please. I got invested and I didn't mean to but I just wanted to try it. I got stuck in a reader's block, similar to a writers block and that book made me want to read it but it's on hold. I know your probably busy with you other books but I really, totally love the book even if it only has 4 chapters. ❤️


@Bloody-smile03 it's no problem. Just seeing how much you love the book makes me more motivated to write it. I hope to see you when I update it! Have a lovely day!


@Bloody-smile03 hell yeah!!!! I'll be waiting and your welcome. I'm not really good and comforting or motivating people,  cause I feel very awkward but I'm happy that you responded and that your continuing the book. I don't really care for the wait as long as you didn't give it up. 


@Bloody-smile03 Thank you so much! Sorry I didn't respond to your message sooner. I'm super happy to know you love my book so much! I really want to continue Red Panda as well, the only reason I put it on hold is because I got really demotivated. Plus I have an assignment to mark down how much I read for a few weeks. Thankfully that assignment is finished today! Keep your eyes peeled, and we'll see what I can do 


          A new story has poped up out of nowhere! 
          It's called "reborn"
          It's a Naruto fanfic!
          Chirp! (Huh?)
          I started it yesterday!
          And it totally doesn't have 5 chapters already ;)
          Plz check it out, it's the best so far :p