
My profile will be going over major renovations! I will be back to writing soon my lovelies! College has been a rocky place and has taken most of my time, along with my daycare teacher job! I love the kids I'm working with! anywhoooo! See ya guys soon


I may delete "Mistletow Madness " I really like this story.. But i but feel like nobody else likes it.. if I don't at least get 10 more people to read this, then I will abandon the work.. 
          I don't want to... but if no one is enjoying such a story there is not use keeping it around
          In other news, my Sakura x Akatsuki story is not doing well either. Same to that one as well. If no one wants to read it then I will delete it. Maybe I should just stick to kevedd... I mean i did enter it in the wattys and I've had over 10 new people comment and vote for it..
          Let me know what everyone thinks! 


It is done 


@-_-SasukeUchiha-_-  what happened to the story?


Hello everyone. I know that there are many broken promises. But a lot has happened in my life. My mom has breast cancer. The friends I see sometimes have turned more into annoyances and I'm just so frustrated with family that my anxiety attacks are worse then ever. I thank everyone for the support and all that has been done. Love you all my lovelies