
Quick question: would you guys want a decently long one chapt, or like 2-3 short chapters uploaded all together?


I want the one you want because I love this series! 


I think I would like a long chapter better but idk about everyone else


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Hey man what do you think about the people who trash Catradora, saying that Adora's character developement got fucked up, that Catra is still the same toxic asshole, that she didn't do shit to redeem herself and that she didn't pay for her actions?


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@ alicethedemon12345  i agree with you, i fucking hate those people.
            Never seen such a bunch of clueless fucking idiots, especially Mj Tanner.
            I wish youtube would disable comment sections just so we can't see these assholes trying to admit they're right when they're clearly wrong.
            Seriously, they seem like they watched a completley different show, and they even deny a lot of things that happended in the series.
            I don't even know who they think they are to tell what's happening in the series, they think they're the author and can confiem bullshit.
            Are they Noelle or something? No, so they should just swallow a **** and fuck off.


@MattBo1619 those people should go eat an egg.


Quick question: would you guys want a decently long one chapt, or like 2-3 short chapters uploaded all together?


I want the one you want because I love this series! 


I think I would like a long chapter better but idk about everyone else


When you realize it was the right person, wrong time…guys I need help. This is my first relationship but I think I got so excited that someone liked me back that I rushed into it, and we had the honeymoon stage but now that it’s ended, I don’t feel as happy as I use to with her. I don’t know what to do


@-stxllarlxne yea I’m probably gonna ask to take a break. I know she’s the right person, it’s just the wrong time, ya know? Thanks tho! It’s nice to get different views and opinions on this type of thing!


            okok good-- i knew people who were so creepy about their friends relationships--- it was so scary
            but if you think you wanna try some other things first i feel like you should just tell them that! or if you're comfortable with it ask about their opinions on an open relationship? i know it's not for everyone but ya never know (I'm polygamous so--- but if that's not ur thing that's totally cool)