I'm gonna need some happy pills for the pain I'm going through rn, just told my parents I was bi and they said I was a mistake. Parents can be really painful sometimes •-•
@WillCipher424 I understand what you are going through. Even though my brother is gay, my parents can't except me for being bi. So I completely understand and I'm sorry.
Oh gosh- Hey, I accept you and your sexuality - don’t listen to your parents. They’re... They’re a bunch of hot Belgian waffles. There. I said it. You’re not a mistake, and if anyone ever tells you you are then oh buddy boy they’re in trouble ‘cause I’m gonna take them down and- Getting carried away. Don’t listen to them, just know in your heart what you believe in and stick to that belief - or in this case your sexuality.
@WillCipher424 wow. that's just... wow. you shouldn't be discriminated for your sexuality, no one ever should have to deal with that. they don't have to agree with it but they should learn to respect it, because something like that weighs down on you and it's not at all healthy. you don't deserve that. i respect your decision, fully, and i know there are plenty of others out there that do too. they're out there, and they don't have to be the ones inside your house. regardless, your parents suck.