
Thank you so much for the follow! Pray tell what brought you to follow me?? None the less thanks so much! And I hope you enjoy reading my stories. 


@A_Panda_Heart i love your stories thays why i followed you


@IvyKennedy Sorry it took me awhile to get back to you! As for tips, I guess is to write on whatever is in sight. Paper, notes on your phone device, Just make little notes to yourself if you have a great idea or something you want to squeeze in a chapter. Then one day just write to your hearts content by putting it all together smoothly. :) Spell check and publish. I always try to make sure my grammar and dialogue are a-okay before publishing. Especially the dialogue, so it's easier for the readers to know who's talking at that moment.


@A_Panda_Heart  you are a great writer ... any tips