Being a good person doesn’t add up to avoidance or not wanting to deal with drama. Putting up with other people’s trash talk and bullying due to their own insecurities and lack of excitement to their own lives. Though that doesn’t make it any less appealing to wish it away and ignore the crabs that bite you down.
I guess to my own definition, being a ‘good person’ would be allowing your own empathy to be present, or in the least to acknowledge it. To think about and care for your personal morals, and to probably not actively seek out to harm others with negative intention’s.
That being said, being a good person doesn’t mean that you have to confine to other people’s wishes, or change something about yourself -or at least hide a part of yourself to make sure that someone else may always be happy. You don’t have to bow down, or let others take advantage of you.
In all honesty, the image of a ‘good person’ is just an image, that often oppresses’ ourselves because ambition and self worth are frowned upon because that gets people ahead (or at least keeps us from falling behind.)
Being ‘good’ really just comes down to having a bit of integrity and that’s it.
Mental wounds really just take much longer to heal because we’ve got no salves, creams or bandages to cope with the wounds. Instead we’ve got thoughts and mass amounts of pain. And yes, sometimes or even often for some, are left with scars to bare, but that doesn’t make us shameful, or any less human or loved or loving.
Damn that should’ve been in an essay lol. Thought some people might’ve needed to ‘hear’ this since I’ve seen a lot of people struggling on Wattpad lately. And some of you probably won’t.