
Me after watching the Amazing Digital Circus: *Chooses Gangle as my poor cinnamon baby even though she could be older than me*
          	Weird artists: *Draws Jax x Gangle*
          	Me: Uh...
          	The one video I literally watched 5 minutes ago: *Has Jax being the most perverted sh_t to exist in Digital mankind. And also has Gangle comforting Jax in the end*
          	Me: UHH-
          	My cousin: GIRL THESE PEOPLE NEED TO CHILL- *Sends me the most uncomfortable and cursed artwork of the ship that has no rights to exist*
          	Me: AHHHHHHHHHH- *Insert screaming* WHAT IS GOING ON.


@Wilted_Emiko idk why I love his sass


this message may be offensive
@Wilted_Emiko *fucking Peter griffin dead pose*


@Wilted_Emiko I respects ships.. THAT MAKE SENSE. THE TADC CHARACTERS ARE LIKE SIBLINGS (not literally, their interactions make them look like siblings)


Hello, and yes, this is me.. Emiko/Sarnai
          I hope you all weren't wondering why I wasn't being active
          The reason was actually my phone suddenly wouldn't turn on, and i ended up having to reset it..
          I assure you that I'm not a bot or someone pretending to be me. I promise, and I'm honestly sad how i have now lost this account because I was on this app 24/7, and starting from scratch feels so weird even tho this is the 2nd time I had to reset my phone..
          Hopefully you guys weren't worried I died or something


@SarnaiLift Oh that sucks, I kind of assumed this would be an alt before I read this


Me after watching the Amazing Digital Circus: *Chooses Gangle as my poor cinnamon baby even though she could be older than me*
          Weird artists: *Draws Jax x Gangle*
          Me: Uh...
          The one video I literally watched 5 minutes ago: *Has Jax being the most perverted sh_t to exist in Digital mankind. And also has Gangle comforting Jax in the end*
          Me: UHH-
          My cousin: GIRL THESE PEOPLE NEED TO CHILL- *Sends me the most uncomfortable and cursed artwork of the ship that has no rights to exist*
          Me: AHHHHHHHHHH- *Insert screaming* WHAT IS GOING ON.


@Wilted_Emiko idk why I love his sass


this message may be offensive
@Wilted_Emiko *fucking Peter griffin dead pose*


@Wilted_Emiko I respects ships.. THAT MAKE SENSE. THE TADC CHARACTERS ARE LIKE SIBLINGS (not literally, their interactions make them look like siblings)


Me who casually playing minecraft on my phone: *Building my house*
          My niece: *Joins*
          Me: Uh oh.. well might as well tell her. 
          Me in chat: "Hey, Mishka, don't do kill my farm animals okay? I'll actually throw your cat out the window if you do
          My niece in chat: "ok" *starts killing my bees*
          Me in chat: "MY BEES- MISHKA NO."
          my niece in chat: "Bees aren't farm animals. Neither are cats" *Kills Tabby aka my minecraft ginger cat aka MAMA CAT of two kitties and basically wife to a black and white cat which who I named Kali*
          Me: MY BABY-
          Kali: *insert crying cat meme*


@XxNightmare_UwUxX I think they kind of are? Idk


@Wilted_Emiko hold up are bees farm animals( insects?) 




My cousin after I showed her the Amazing Digital Circus pilot episode: I really hope the next episode comes out. But there's no way a lot of people are going to go crazy ove-
          Me:You think? *Points*
          Almost everyone on the internet:
          Musicians: *Literally playing the main theme, end them music*
          Artists: *Drawing TADC characters*
          My cousin: How many fandoms are you in?!
          Me: Hm... Basically, it's over 10. If not 15 :D


            Me seeing every part of the community that is bad: Dear god…


@starrpup it was literally 2 weeks ago, and people are already shipping them-


@Wilted_Emiko it kind of amazes me how only the pilot it out but has a whole fandom


My dream (from what I still remember-)
          Me: *At home*
          Some random black figure with no face: Bring me my black toothbrush.
          Me: *Goes to the bathroom and starts looking for the black toothbrush*
          What I find: a bunch of black hair ties, black hairbrush, matches that looked burnt and moments away from turning into ash, an eyelash (ew.), one of those microphone thing with a big head (I don't know the name-), a baby's skeleton in the washing machine
          Me: *Searches the bathroom for 1 hour*
          The mf-ing black firgure: It should be in the kitchen.
          Me: *Goes to the kitchen without a word in and finds the toothbrush in the SINK.*
          The black figure: That's black. I wanted the white one
          Me: *Randomly in my bed all of a sudden*
          5 minutes later: 
          Me: WHAT THE F- WAS THAT. *Wakes up*


@V4ntaBl4ck true. Very true.
            (I think this is somewhat supposed to represent my struggles to find certain things when my mom tells me to get something-)


@Wilted_Emiko now that's what I find funny......
            and my dreams on a daily bases.


            “Dreams have meanings.”
            Average dream that I have:


Me: *Ranting about my day to my dad about how this one girl in my class is a "B word" and that she makes me want to skip school today*
          My dad: Hm.. You should.
          Me: Huh- <-- Expected my dad to say no
          My dad: You heard me. You get the day off today. Got it?
          Me: UHHH.. OK...? *Knows I'm about to get the beating from my mom and starts digging out my grave*
          As a kid who was raised to listen to her parents and go to school no matter what, i felt like a bug about to be stepped on when my dad told me to skip school today-


@HeartbeatFate Thanks, but I sometimes go overboard with it for sh_ts and giggles-


@Wilted_Emiko I'm really sorry, it's just that I don't like how your parents or your country treated you like trash. You want to do whatever, But I just want to make sure you don't get into trouble


@HeartbeatFate ...
            That's too far.. I might be terrified of my parents, but they're not terrifying to the point of being abusive.. I don't have a problem with you, but you can't really just talk about someone's parents/loved ones when you don't even know the people in person..


Me: *Watching LavenderTowne's video about what art school lies to art students*
          Me: *Sees Art schools don't enjoy modern art, fanart for example* Uhm.. yall different-
          The art school I went to: *Allowed modern based and fanart depending on what kind of art class you take* We encourage our children's creativity, though it's important that you make sure to know the basics and things you're thought about.
          Me: Fair enough :]
          The class I took was about traditional Mongolian art, and although my artstyle wasn't fit for this class and that i was bad at, my teacher didn't force me to have the specific style and made sure I knew the basics, anatomy, color theory, proportions, shading and lighting


Does anyone here don't celebrate Halloween because their parents say strangers that you knock on their door will give you something drugged or poisoned?
          I don't, and I'm the only person in my class who never went trick or treating. I only once wore a hand-made/diy creeper outfit as a kid and ended up scaring if not traumatizing my former childhood besties-
          The times I wanted to buy a Tanjiro and Nezuko cosplay outfit for me and my niece are well over 20 by now.
          And if my niece didn't want me to be Tanjiro, then it came to a conclusion where I could be Mitsuki. I don't think that even if the outfits were available, I wouldn't be able to do a decent Mistuki impression-
          (There are some popular anime complaints outfits in Mongolia, Demons slayer and Naruto cosplays is very common since that's literally the only thing you can get something anime.)


@Wilted_Emiko here in macedonia the people dont celebrate halloween, ive mostly seen some people celebrating it like decorating the  coffee shops.


@Wilted_Emiko Why is cosplay auto-corrected to complaint?! Wtf-


:What? That's stupid. There's no way almost everyone in TADC is relatable to you. They're completely separate characters with different personalities!
          Me: That's the point. I don't even know what my main personality is at this point.
          Pomni <-- Basically my mindset when the schoolday is going slower than usual
          Kinger <-- Me when I'm at home alone.
          Gangle <-- ...I don't know, I just like her bcuz she my fav so far-
          Jax <-- Me and Pulu 24/7 when we meet up (I only like his voice. Character design? Eh, it okay. Don't go after me Jax fans-)
          Ragatha(I think I spelled her name wrong) <-- How I am during school while trying to keep everything under control
          Caine <-- Me and my dad as kids
          Bubble <-- just..bubble..just bubble-
          Koafmo <-- Me who just wants to leave this place


@Wilted_Emiko I know there's Gloink Queen but like.. I somehow don't like that character--


My art teacher: The theme is horror or anything scary
          My classmates: *Drawing funny creatures* (don't worry, they still got a good mark from our art teacher)
          Me: *Draws a potential scene I might use to write in future chapters of my book*
          Class president: *Shows the whole class a physiological masterpiece*
          My classmates: *confused*
          Me: *Insert screaming and hides under the table*


@V4ntaBl4ck Same tbh- I'm scared of my mom


@Wilted_Emiko if I had the chance I would draw my father


@Wilted_Emiko I didn't actually scream out loud, only in my head-