@Sauria Forgot that bit last time. =D
Well, I do seem pretty cold sometimes, to the point where people find my opinions strange... But I like not being ordinary. =)
I've been told I ask the right questions at the wrong time, or rather when people aren't prepared to answer them. I like hearing their answers to those questions, even if it makes me cruel in a way.
Speaking of childish, possibly my favourite question is: "Why?" It reminds me of little kids, curious about the world, and it's a fantastic question when moral is concerned. I like taking the issue apart, to its deepest secrets, and uncovering it in a different way.
I have heard of them, though I haven't researched them much. My philosophical career didn't expand much from back then, since I'm more interested in psychology. Maybe I'll get back to them some time. =)
Oh, and in that paper, I proved that prostitution is indeed moral. My professor was very surprised. =P