
I finished watching the first episode of Attack on Titan and I realized I'm going to need a LOT of tissues for this show... It's very different from all the romance animes I've been watching


So mad. I just finished season 4 of BSD, and there's only 11 more episodes left, and according to some websites, it might take TWO TO FOUR YEARS FOR THE NEXT SEASON TO COME OUT! 
          But they also say there's enough of more BSD, like they can make a Beast movie, a Stormbringer movie, another season of wan in the meantime. They better or else I'll go insane. I NEED more!!! I don't know how people do it


spending my time fanfic reading


less than 6 episodes left


Question: How have you guys come out to your parents as LGBTQ+ for those of you that are? Because I'm bisexual but have no idea how to tell them or anyone


@Wings-of-warriors123 Personally for me, I told people who I knew would take it well first (my brothers) and slowly came out to one parent at a time and just talked to them--with the help of my brothers, of course. I told my mother first, and then was planning to tell my father, but my mother accidentally let it slip to him before that. He took it pretty well though.


So, reading Defy Me in Shatter Me… and can I just say, it sucks. It’s f*cking trash. Juliettes’s “tragoc” long and complicated backstory made no sense and did nothing to drive the plot, but just seemed like a way to continue the series and it just made Juliette a Mary Sue. Like, she’s Supreme Commander of North America at 17??? And most powerful?? And Anderson’s dead, but then he comes back to only get killed two chapters later, so there was no reason to bring him back?? And honestly, Juliette doesnt deserve Aaron, and their love story is just SOOO annoying and it becomes the whole plot at this point. 
          To sum it up, in my opinion (you can like it, I just don’t), it is WAYYY overhyped and a terrible read, and should’ve just been left with the first three books, because those were good and after that it went downhill at a racing speed.


@mk_crenshaw If she left it with just the first three books it would be amazing and would’ve left on an good note, but the ones after it.. They had no plot and Ella’s backstory seemed like when you have a contest with your friends on making the most trauma infused characters. It was too much and all


@Wings-of-warriors123 I'm glad I'm not the only one. I thought the Shatter Me series got progressively worse and it's overhyped