
I just posted Chapter 8 of Military Secret. Enjoy!


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Thank you for adding CHALLENGES: The Foresters to your reading list. Hope the book gives you an escape into their world with fun and laughter, along with swoons. Happy reading.


@Winter-Devil I am humbly grateful. If one is reached that is worth celebrating. You are kind to do this for me. I am also especially pleased you enjoyed the book.


@SueHart2 I had read it before and I decided that I wanted my followers, even so few, to experience such a good book.


I'm in the process of writing the next chapter. I've been so busy that I've had to break up the writing into several days . Thank you for being so patient my devils!


I have finished one of the POV's. Someone let me know if I should go ahead and publish that or if I should wait until I've finished the other POV...


I'm so sorry everyone! I've been so busy lately that I haven't been able to sit down and come up with the next chapter. However, the next time I do happen to work on a chapter, I will try to begin working on the upcoming chapters. For those of you who do check my account and are not following, you may want to follow either me or add the story to your reading list. I have no idea when the next chapter will be out for Military Secret and I plan on continuing to send out updates every week. If I release a chapter earlier in the week than I usually do, I will also let everyone know here. 
          See ya Demons!