
It is with a heavy heart that I bring very tragic news. 
          	(@Watership02) has according to his Mom taken his own life, and now the same fate befell my close friend Seinna, she also quit without a word, I’m so saddened that it’s happened once again. 
          	I'm heartbroken and I hope his family is doing okay. 
          	This is just terrible and I'm so sorry that I wasn't there for him if he needed someone. 
          	I would've done something to help if not for that stupid war Danuki and Daron started by abusing my Mom and Myself, why didn’t I just slow down and think? 
          	Anyway, I've ended the war because I didn't feel like fighting anymore...but I might rethink that surrender. 
          	I hope Connor/Watership02 will be remembered for his kindness and willingness to help others. 
          	P.S: "I've renamed the A340-200 to A340-202 in my upcoming story to keep Watership02's memory alive inside all of our hearts."


It is with a heavy heart that I bring very tragic news. 
          (@Watership02) has according to his Mom taken his own life, and now the same fate befell my close friend Seinna, she also quit without a word, I’m so saddened that it’s happened once again. 
          I'm heartbroken and I hope his family is doing okay. 
          This is just terrible and I'm so sorry that I wasn't there for him if he needed someone. 
          I would've done something to help if not for that stupid war Danuki and Daron started by abusing my Mom and Myself, why didn’t I just slow down and think? 
          Anyway, I've ended the war because I didn't feel like fighting anymore...but I might rethink that surrender. 
          I hope Connor/Watership02 will be remembered for his kindness and willingness to help others. 
          P.S: "I've renamed the A340-200 to A340-202 in my upcoming story to keep Watership02's memory alive inside all of our hearts."


Gracias por seguirme papu 


@DioBlando5 that’s ok and it took me 20 years to figure out everything that I now know since birth back in January 2004.


@ WinterMagic1960  no hablo inglés aunque por lo poco que entendí eres mujer,algo relacionado con dos décadas y 2 años perdón apenas estoy en el curso de inglés 


@DioBlando5 i’m female. Yes you’re welcome also, to think after two decades of being alive that the last two years of it have been difficult anyway thanks for that nice comment.


Hey! thanks for following me!, I don't know how did you finish in my Profile 'cuz I speak Spanish and I write in spanish, but Thank you, And I hope you can Enjoy my stories if you read them! ☆


@ ISAACCASIQ1  Eh- Me sigue?-


@ Bella_Vela_1  que haces aquí? D: