Hello everyone. I unpublished Fated To Love You as I I will not be able to finish it anytime soon. I am currently focused on my personal life so updating fanfics is not my priority for the meantime. I truly miss writing for my fellow applers and I miss writing about DaraGon. I actually have a lot of drafts and stories to write but my life outside being an appler is needed to be prioritized. This post has nothing to do with GD's current dating news, I've been meaning to post this before but I found time just now. My appler heart will remain until it's time to say goodbye but who knows what tomorrow might bring? DaraGon could be a real deal too. Saranghae, Your authornim.

@WinterNPD as a long time follower and reader, I do understand. Nowadays, Daragon writers are getting fewer. Its hard to be a DARAGON believer when everytime GD has scandal. My appler heart is getting numb as the time goes by. Until one of them get married and have a family, then thats the time Applers need to say goodbye. Reality is the biggest enemy of fanfics writers. So as an Daragon/Appler for more than 10years believing that one day, our ship will sail and our delusion will be real. Lets keep praying

@WinterNPD waaahhh..Im trying to forget that dating news by reading other stories here in wattpad..but I'm hopinh that its just another dating rumor of GD just like before..haist! I really hate that news..