Hi everyone! And happy New Year!! Hopefully everyone had a great time. Alright a few moments earlier I posted that I will talk about the huge changes that I made for my first book, alright here they are:
1. The new name of the book; it’s now called The Great War (A Dark Universe).
2. The new cover of my book.
3. I made some changes in the story, so I strongly recommend to read it again.
4. The name of a character has change: Victor Velmont is now Valerius Velmont (and personally sounds better for me).
5. This is huge and amazing!! I finally made the chapters way smaller and more suitable to read.
6. I corrected more misspell, so you could have a better experience with my book.
Alright guys that’s about it, hopefully you guys are having a great time now and sorry for not being posted new chapters of my second book called Seven Deadly Sins, which by the way that book had a change too. The change of my second book was the cover. I promise I will continue writing the second book just that I want to made a few changes too in my second book, so when I’m done with that, I will continue the story.