IMPORTANT WARNING: Like most people from all over the country and world, I have kept a very close eye on the Coronavirus. Now I am telling you this because I want you all to know the virus has turned/turning pandemic. Most countries, especially the ones close to China have closed off the border, the schools and trade. The stock market is starting to fall apart. The virus is continuing to spread. Confirmed cases of the potentially deadly virus are beginning to pop up outside of China. In the United States, health officials confirmed five cases of the pneumonia-like illness, while infections also have been confirmed in France, South Korea, Japan, Nepal, Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore, Vietnam, Taiwan and Canada. It is now time to keep an eye out of where you are, stay away from sick people, wear a mask and gloves. Warn friends and family it is spreading and it is deadly. Spread the news and aware everyone. We can only pray for a cure and to find out what caused it. I pray for everyone (healthy and sick) and pray for the families who have lost their lives to the virus. Hope for the best and expect the worst. Be safe out there.-Winter 1/27/2020