
Hey everyone, I’m posting this with a heavy heart because I’ve lost a lot of followers, dropping from 1.2K to 986. I know it’s my fault for not being consistent on this app, but it still stings. 
          	If you’re thinking about following me, please do so only if you truly want to stay. 
          	If you plan to unfollow later, it’s better not to follow at all and give me false hope. My followers feel like family to me, and I’m sorry for not being more active. That’s all for now—hope you’re all doing well. Much love. Take care!


Hey everyone, I’m posting this with a heavy heart because I’ve lost a lot of followers, dropping from 1.2K to 986. I know it’s my fault for not being consistent on this app, but it still stings. 
          If you’re thinking about following me, please do so only if you truly want to stay. 
          If you plan to unfollow later, it’s better not to follow at all and give me false hope. My followers feel like family to me, and I’m sorry for not being more active. That’s all for now—hope you’re all doing well. Much love. Take care!


Hello, everyone. 
          It's me, your author. *hiding behind a wall holding my ears* 
          Very much ashamed of abandoning two of my stories. My Wattpad Life and Here's To Never After. 
          Here's To Never After didn't have much reads so I'll continue it but because of very less response, I wasn't motivated. But if you want me to continue it, please tell me.
          Also, right now I'll be talking about My Wattpad Life.
          I stopped it in the middle after covid, because times were a bit hard. 
          That's no excuse, I know but I'm sorry as I was just very uninterested in writing this after a lot of time passed. 
          And I forgot about the plot. *sorry* Just a little bit is retained in my memory. Also I found the start of the story to be cringe (might be because I wrote it a few years back) 
          But please tell me if you want me to continue this or not? (I want to haha but I'll listen to you) If you do, I will try to edit it a little bit and try to complete it. But if not, I'll discontinue it. Please tell me as your opinion is what matters. I will try my best to follow it. Also if you have any idea to progress this story plot further, please write it down in the comments. 
          Thank you. I think I'm asking for a lot but I really need to know 
          I love you. Really. Please take care of yourselves because I consider you guys as my family even though I've never seen you. Hope to see you all happy and successful. 
          Bloom M. 


Hello everyone!
          I'm really sorry for being late in uploading the latest chapter of “Here's To Never After”. 
          It's because my vacations ended and now I'm busy with college but I'm still working on the chapter, I'll try and upload it tomorrow, otherwise till Saturday it will be up. :)
          Thank you for bearing with me. 


Hey, loves!
           I'm so excited to share the news of my new story that I've just published here on Wattpad. “Here’s To Never After”. 
          It's right on my profile and can also be accessed through this link:

          Please do give it a read. And let me know what you think of it! I'm writing again on Wattpad after so long, it definitely feels amazing to be active again!
          Love you.
          Bloom M.


@WinxClubBloom93 Yeah, How’ve you been?❤️


Hello and Aoa to all my dear friends 
          I have great news to share. I'm now on YouTube:
          (Username: @bloommm.    -the dot is really imp )
          ***Because of the dot being seperated , the actual link is not opening, so please please make a little efforts and search my username to follow***
          So kindly go and subscribe because it means a lot!
          Also please follow me on Instagram: 
          (Username: @winxclubbloom93)
          Thank you for all your love and support! It keeps me motivated and going. I'm trying to become active again so it would mean a lot if you could subscribe and follow! 
          Thank you. Love you 


I subscribed to your YouTube channel.♥️