
Cherish your pets while you can and appreciate every second with them. You never know when they’ll be taken away from you. Love them unconditionally, because while they may only be a pet of your life, you’re their whole life. Don’t take these wonderful creatures for granted. Hug your pets and tell them how much you love them, because you never know if you’ll get another chance to. Coop was torn away too soon and the road from his original symptoms to his death only hours ago was too fast. I’m still taking the time to process his death and like any death of a loved one, I’ll never fully recover, only learn to cope. 


@Wisdomspickle I know it's hard I lost my cockatiel this year and found out my dog has cancer. Remember all the memories you had with them. 


Cherish your pets while you can and appreciate every second with them. You never know when they’ll be taken away from you. Love them unconditionally, because while they may only be a pet of your life, you’re their whole life. Don’t take these wonderful creatures for granted. Hug your pets and tell them how much you love them, because you never know if you’ll get another chance to. Coop was torn away too soon and the road from his original symptoms to his death only hours ago was too fast. I’m still taking the time to process his death and like any death of a loved one, I’ll never fully recover, only learn to cope. 


@Wisdomspickle I know it's hard I lost my cockatiel this year and found out my dog has cancer. Remember all the memories you had with them. 


Holy crap, even with the warning that explicitly states that my middle school fanfiction is absolute garbage and how embarrassed I am of it it has 10,000 views and 85 votes? Bruh the only reason I have deleted that monstrosity is because I’m able to look back on it and see how far I’ve come. People can actually read it without screaming at how horrible it is? Goodness gracious people must have low standards. Anyways, I guess I should say thanks for reading it and move onto my actually good works now. Stay safe out there, we’re living in a dystopia and everything is out of control.


Oh yes a forced road trip to Maryland turned into nightmare fuel. I’ve watched enough horror movies and delved into enough scary stories and urban legends and true crime and stuff (because I love that kind of stuff) to not be overly panicked and more so annoyed at my stepfather. So we’re at a rest stop trying to get some sleep. Some dude knocked on our window and while I’m here trying to tell my stepfather to STEP ON IT AND GET OUT OF HERE what does this man do? Open the damn window. The guy apparently just wanted cash but COME ON! He just made the mistake that every horror movie protagonist makes before getting themselves into a terrible situation or a home underground. According to my mom, she felt the guy staring at her for a while. Like I said I’m not easily spooked so I was more confused and annoyed than anything, but my heart nearly peeped out of my chest when I heard that knock. I just stayed in my uncomfortable position trying to stay out of sight and forming some kind of useless escape plan. Seriously though, if this was a horror movie my stepfather would’ve gotten us all killed. Suddenly a creepy ice cream truck just loitering around my neighborhood and close to my house when I take my dog outside is sounding a lot more preferable. This, kids, is why you lock your doors. Because some weird dude might stare at you and your family while you sleep at a rest stop and then proceed to ask for cash. Or someone could murder you either one.


My life is becoming a Taylor Swift song. I have no way of winning against those two lovable idiots, they always feel me back in. They’re my drug and no matter how many times things end in flames, I always go back. I made a good run this time, but it wasn’t enough. Why do I have to be so forgiving and why do I have to love these girls so much? Why do I have to care about them and still view them as my sisters? Ah, it doesn’t matter. Same loop, I suppose. Maybe this time it won’t end and things will be perfect, I love them too much. Lyne and Skiy are my drug and the thing is, I’m strangely okay with it. I’ll enjoy it and worry about the rest later.


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Am I the only one who finds it incredibly infuriating and disappointing that Wattpad has made the (in my opinion, idiotic) decision to limit the amount of books we are able to read offline? Oh, and as if that wasn’t bad enough, making that limit two books that you are able to read offline? This is honesty enraging to me and if they don’t fix this then I might delete the app from my phone and stick to reading on other apps for traveling. Honestly, what a stupid decision. As if this is going to somehow convince people to pay monthly just to be able to read without WiFi or service. I’m not paying by the fucking month to enjoy reading on the go, it’s not happening. Maybe I’d spend my money on a one time payment to unlock more spaces, but I find it outrageous to pay every month to enjoy reading. The world has gone to shit, everything seems to be about money rather than actual customer satisfaction. Kind of like how YouTube will demonetize channels that are possibly endangering minors but still make profit from the videos. They don’t give a shit about the communities that have formed in their apps/websites, it’s all about materialism and that honestly makes me really sad. Maybe I’m a bit dramatic with my reaction to this terrible update, but I honestly couldn’t care less. I just want to read without worrying about wasting my data. Is that such a big problem that you need me to pay to feed my book addiction?


The sequel to WAW is currently not looking too optimistic. I'm planning to rewrite the original as it was written in one sitting. I'm not proud of it, I can barely read it myself-- which makes it more baffling as to why I published it in the first place. It was rushed and cliché, I can definitely do better with longer and more detailed chapters. Honestly, what I posted looks like an elementary student wrote it for class (of course, without the dark topics) and my writing has improved drastically since then. In any case, the book is staying up so that those who for some reason like it can still read it. At least the plot tops Romeo and Juliet, eh?