
Can some of you guys check out my new and first story Fandom Posts 


Hey demigods, wizards witches, criminal geniuses, avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D Agents (for people reading this it is fans of; Percy Jackson, Harry Potter,Artemis Fowl The Avengers and baiscly SHIELD Agents cover everyone else in the Marvel Comic Universe) 
          IT IS MY BIRTHDAY IN 8 (nine at time of writing) DAYS WHOOP WHOOP I'M FINALLY GOING TO BE TWELVE THIS IS WORSE THAN THE WAIT FOR THE PERCY JACKSON BOOKS. I really have a bit of a Love/Hate (quoting comic book guy from The Simpsons: WORST TV SERIES EVER) relationship with Uncle Rick I love him for creating Percabeth and I hate him for throwing them into Tartarus