
Can someone please tell me why there is a bunch of boy meets world Sean Hunter X female OC stories but why is there no like male OC X Topanga Lawrence stories there's like one maybe two and the rest is just blank I get it I like Corey X Topanga too but still it would be interesting if she had another love interest because thinking back on it a kind of makes no sense why it's just Corey X Topanga even though they both didn't like try to have other relationships to see if it would work cuz Corey was just set on one girl maybe true loves a real thing and that's the process of it but you know would be nice to see I'll keep looking if anybody has any suggestions or any stories that I possibly have missed then please feel free to message me. 
          	Oh and to correct myself Corey did have a girlfriend for like a few episodes and then went back to Topanga a little bit later I think Topanga had a one-off boyfriend or maybe it was a date I don't remember the show is like seven seasons long and I really don't want to go through it again to just look for that specific episode 
          	Here's an idea why not flip it on its head and do a Sean X Topanga they've kissed before also I think that would have a better dynamic because of Sean's upbringing and topanga's somewhat it appears straightforward like way she was raised granted she was raised what appears to be like a hippie I think sorry if I offended anybody with that word I don't know what I can or can't say anymore but you know just my thoughts and at this point I think my message and board is becoming my diary.


Can someone please tell me why there is a bunch of boy meets world Sean Hunter X female OC stories but why is there no like male OC X Topanga Lawrence stories there's like one maybe two and the rest is just blank I get it I like Corey X Topanga too but still it would be interesting if she had another love interest because thinking back on it a kind of makes no sense why it's just Corey X Topanga even though they both didn't like try to have other relationships to see if it would work cuz Corey was just set on one girl maybe true loves a real thing and that's the process of it but you know would be nice to see I'll keep looking if anybody has any suggestions or any stories that I possibly have missed then please feel free to message me. 
          Oh and to correct myself Corey did have a girlfriend for like a few episodes and then went back to Topanga a little bit later I think Topanga had a one-off boyfriend or maybe it was a date I don't remember the show is like seven seasons long and I really don't want to go through it again to just look for that specific episode 
          Here's an idea why not flip it on its head and do a Sean X Topanga they've kissed before also I think that would have a better dynamic because of Sean's upbringing and topanga's somewhat it appears straightforward like way she was raised granted she was raised what appears to be like a hippie I think sorry if I offended anybody with that word I don't know what I can or can't say anymore but you know just my thoughts and at this point I think my message and board is becoming my diary.


I've been trying to write all day but my problem is that I have to listen to it again with text to speech due to my problem. That may not sound bad but because how watpad does the document for writing, When I need  to know what I wrote before it begins to read me everything & the only way I can read individual paragraphs is if I save it every minute. Which I  don't want to do. Plus when I scroll to the bottom and try to type the text goes to the top messing up what was their originally which causes me to stress out because I don't want to mess up what was already written down. So basically have to turn off text to speech, then scroll to the bottom then type and turn it back on  but it just goes to the top and types what was suppost     to be at the bottom then it suddenly is written at the top. I just am frustraeded & annoyed. So basically only got like four to five new lines of dialog. Even though I've been sitting at my desk for over an hour. I hope you know that I am beyond Pissed!! 


So I was writing earlier because it took me a while to come with an idea to continue right in the chapter I know how I wanted to end but it just took me a minute to figure out how to get there and I now know how to get there it's just that well it's going to take me at least another day and I won't be free tomorrow or Saturday or Sunday I think even Monday so crap anyway hope your day's have been going well I know I just said it wrong but hey I'm using text to speech so if I mess up I don't know if that's just because of my horrible English or because I'm talking too fast or the microphone just interprets language differently from how I do.


So I realized that AO3 is a pic of work to use for someone like me but the good news is that I visited the site quite a bit before the rapid decrese of my sight. So thank my somewhat good memory for being able to remember how to use and operate AO3 because if I couldn't then I probably wouldn't have gotin into fanfictions in the first place. You can thank youtubers for posting the fanfic's up onto there channels with a narrating robot. As well as "Masakox". For his What If's and We are the celestials. Who to my knowlage don't post anymore. Don't know why?  If you know something please tell me just so I can come to terms with that. 
          Anyway thanks for reading my rant once again. It probably won't be the last time due to me being a overthinker so apologies in advance.
          Anyway have a great morning,Noon or Night.


Well I had a very late start to the day procrastination sucks I'm writing right now so yay going to go watch something to get me inspired for this book and hopefully it will be out soon if it isn't I apologize DuckTales hopefully next week most likely next week cuz I'm nearly done with woohoo son of a gun I really need someone to bounce ideas off of the wall isn't working anymore.


Well today I had plans. Then my parents said we gotta go out & due to my condission I was forced to go out with them. By thetime I got home my phone was about to die and I fell asleep cause your boy was tired as crap. Woke up ate dinner & watched a movie. So you know bouta go to bed so good night people. Hope I get enough slee tonight.


So I know you can vote on chapters but I really want a pole system or command. So when you type !pole or something you can create one and let your readers/followers decide and yes I am aware of the voting when you are reading a book to upvote the chapter but meh. Thoughts,Opinions. Yay or Nae? Also be able to set a timelimit to when it opens and closes. 


          If I pop-up in your messaging board & my spelling or Grammar isfucked up in anyway. Just know to read my bio that will explain mostly everything & Oh yeah I generally can't spell that well too.... Nah i'll just blame my blindness & not my intellegents because my IQ is in the negatives.
          LEEETTTSS GOOOO!!!
          Better than all of you take that Einstein. 


I was going to continue writing today and then I realize I didn't finish or catch up on your friendly neighborhood spider Man. So I did and then once I finished it I began watching a musical don't ask me why I just did enjoyed it and then when I finished it I realized I need to go shower so once I finish showering I got food and here I am now and I realized I didn't write a single damn thing today I'll probably do it tomorrow night anyway stay strong procrastination to real problem.


Does anyone just blankly stare at their phone screen or computer screen when they're typing for their story and just realize they sat there for like 20 minutes and nothing was written down cuz that just happened to me and frankly I'm disappointed in myself.