
I Have updated, revised and condenced "Little Miss Vengeance". The Six parts that were already out have been edited and condenced into two parts because the chapters were just too short for my liking. I should have more chapter coming out soon. Hope you like the new cover art. 


I Have updated, revised and condenced "Little Miss Vengeance". The Six parts that were already out have been edited and condenced into two parts because the chapters were just too short for my liking. I should have more chapter coming out soon. Hope you like the new cover art. 


You should! Definitely! It's obviously something that you enjoy doing, that's why your book covers are so well done! When you become the next top notch photographer, don't forget about the little people! lol :D  I love it, it's awesome. I was in love with the first one though. I'm not sure why because this one is just as incredible. o.O