
update on my life:
          	•after meeting on wattpad six (6) years ago, i finally met my best friend in december! she stayed at my place for a week and we went to all of louisiana’s famous attractions!!
          	•i finished my first semester of junior year with a 3.667 GPA
          	•i get to graduate early!!!! only two semesters left (compared to the original four)
          	•i finally started teaching!
          	•it’s my birthday today!! the big 20!!


update on my life:
          •after meeting on wattpad six (6) years ago, i finally met my best friend in december! she stayed at my place for a week and we went to all of louisiana’s famous attractions!!
          •i finished my first semester of junior year with a 3.667 GPA
          •i get to graduate early!!!! only two semesters left (compared to the original four)
          •i finally started teaching!
          •it’s my birthday today!! the big 20!!


tagged by @AnneCullen3
          ⌜the rules⌟
          + tag at least eight people, don't say 'i don't have friends' because i know you do.
          + you have to actually put your favorite songs with the alphabets of your username and kind coordinate like i did below. 
          + always post the rules.
          ⌜i'm game⌟
          w- work song by hozier
          i- instead by ryan amador 
          s- snake eyes by mumford & sons
          h- hello my old heart by the oh hello's 
          i- i can't go on without you by kaleo
          n- nirvana by sam smith
          g- ghosts by laura marling
          a- addicted to you by avicii
          l- lullaby by misterwives
          o- open your eyes by carlos valdes 
          u- unsteady by x ambassadors 
          d- dancing on my own by calum scott
          (sorry if you don't like to be ) tagged;
          @Flibutex @calebwhite13 @lildais @sephenes @corsets @_freedom @xStarrymoonx @Call_Me_Cupid


Tagged by @corsets (hella late. oh well.)
          The Rules -
          - You have to put five facts about yourself.
          - It can't be in the comments / replies.
          - You have to complete this before a week or there will be punishment!
          - Don't forget to post the rules.
          - Don't back out!
          - Tag fifteen people.
          -my last name is french, but i'm hispanic
          -i dated a guy i met online for four years
          -i'm hypoglycemic 
          -any selfie i have is always half-faced
          -whenever i'm sick, i like to suck on cherry cough drops and drink iced milk 
          (sorry if you don't like to be) tagged;
          @calebwhite13 @CapSwan @sephenes @Jewelz @Gengar117 @SabrinaElouardi @lildais  @turnblue @Call_Me_Cupid @xStarrymoonx @OwlSpots @bloodytampon @dyingtoshoutout @Flibutex @_freedom