Read this if your Silver the hedgehog fan and if you have read the IWD comic series.
While reading the IWD comic series I realised that Silver the hedgehog is the true hero of the series and not Sonic, this is why...
1# He never gets infected by the virus: Sonic is one of the first people to get infected however never turns into a full zombie, at the end everyone gets infected EXCEPT SILVER!!! He is off with Sonic and metal Sonic but even then the Chao could of flown up and touched him, sorry but SILVER IS A LEGEND!!
2# He never gets credit: At the end when Sonic gets blasted into Blaze’s dimension, only a few people came and made sure he was ok after the fight... unfortunately for Silver no one really cared, all they cared about is Sonic. Silver turned super and fought (with Sonic) to stop the virus and get Sonic gets all the credit, THATS ANNOYING!!!
3# There are a lot of Silvamy moments: Ok hear me out, this doesn’t make him the true hero however he does spend a lot of time with Amy and same goes to her. Every time Silver got hurt, Amy would ditch Sonic and help him... extreme but ok.
4# Sonic rubs it in his face: Throughout the series I noticed that every time Silver did something super awesome Sonic would rub it in his face and pretty much say that he is better than everyone else, THAT BUGS ME!!!
5# Silver x Whisper: THIS HAS BEEN A HUGE FAN ART PROBLEM!!! All he said was one sentence and BOOM, everyone makes weird fan art of it!! On another note, it’s shows how Silver has changed since Sonic 06, a young naive hedgehog to a kind and innocent hedgehog with a pure heart. Unfortunately everything he does in the series, doesn’t make a hit in the other characters faces.
There you go, these are things that make Silver the true hero of the IWD series :)