
In honor of Matt Hargreaves birthday going to three Eddheads profiles and comment #SaveEddsworld


A couple of months ago in March I was heading to Oklahoma for a camping trip and while we were cleaning the cabin on the last day my friend Julia put on the song that I didn't know and it was by a group called Hamilton and most of the people there that I was sharing a cabin with knew what Hamilton was except for me so I'm like "Y'all what's Hamilton?" and they'll just stared at me with a deadpan expression and i'm like what's Hamilton did I do something wrong and they decide to play more music and they explain to me what Hamilton was and now like I'm sucked in I can't get out I mean I like it now I think it's pretty cool freaking awesome


I'm sad I never got a chance to listen to all the Hamilton songs...
             But Stay Alive is good.