Just read kidnapped. I really did enjoy it but jiminy crickets was that a roller coaster. And that ending too! Honestly I laughed at the end because I did not see that coming. That story was literally all over the place but it was good

@Ishouldbeproductive xD same one :[ At least for now. Be my guest, id love to get advice and hear your thoughts on it. It's corny but whatever. If you find it too dramatic welp that was kinda your influence. I read your fic and was like, "hmmm. I low key dig the drama. I could amp up the drama what the heck" sooo...

@Ishouldbeproductive Yeah I was 16 I believe xD. I am so happy to hear that! I'm pretty sure thats how many of us started out lol. I also got a weird dream, and decided to write fanfiction about it lol. It really warms my heart to hear that my story had such a positive impact on you. I would love to check out your fanfiction as well, what fandom do you write in?

@WistfulClueless recent like within the decade xD 2017 feels like a lifetime ago to me. God I was 14 that year. You've been writing for a long time then. I just posted my first story chapter by chapter a few weeks ago. I liked reading fan fiction but never had the urge to write it myself and then I had this very strange dream so here I am writing what I said I never would and it's all because I read so many fics that I started dreaming them up :/ but I enjoyed your story and it affected how I phrased and wrote my own recent chapters so thank you :D