
Okay, right now I’m beyond pissed. Just when I finally decide to update on my stories.  It’s telling me all these errors and not letting me publish them. So unfortunately guys, until I or Wattpad can fix this, my hiatus continues. Sorry everyone 


Thank you for the advice Be_Spoiled03


As for the publishing error, I might Close the app then enter it again, or just restart my phone. Hope it helps


@WitchingHour89 Tell me about it :( , I can't even write on wattpad anymore. I just write on a notebook app and copy paste. 


Okay, right now I’m beyond pissed. Just when I finally decide to update on my stories.  It’s telling me all these errors and not letting me publish them. So unfortunately guys, until I or Wattpad can fix this, my hiatus continues. Sorry everyone 


Thank you for the advice Be_Spoiled03


As for the publishing error, I might Close the app then enter it again, or just restart my phone. Hope it helps


@WitchingHour89 Tell me about it :( , I can't even write on wattpad anymore. I just write on a notebook app and copy paste. 


Wow, I really suck.  I am so sorry guys!  Things have been REALLY complicated, hectic, stressful, and pretty whelming over here.  I know I haven’t updated in awhile and I probably won’t until things calm down more in the summer.  I am so sorry guys!  There’s a lot on my shoulders right now.  I hope you guys stay healthy and safe.  


Hey everyone, listen, I know that everybody is probably going through a rough time right now.  The world is going through a rough time right now.  What’s happening is history and there’s nothing any of us can singular do to change that.  And I know that there are many people suffering right now.  But “sometimes life is a dark tunnel,” Uncle Iroh, and “Hope is something you give yourself.  That is the meaning of inner strength,” Uncle Iroh ALA.  I realize everything is probably very overwhelming to everyone right now.  I guess what I’m trying to say is don’t lose hope.  Take one step at a time.  Focus on one thing at a time.  Like in Percy Jackson and the Battle of Manhattan.  PJO fans remember Promotheus and Pandora’s (vase?) right?  Even with hope trapped or hope released, there is still hope.  Please stay safe, stay clean, and stay kind everyone.


Hey guys!  I’m so sorry to do this to you guys again, but I’ll probably have to slow down on my stories for a little while.  So much is going on right now and it’s only going to get even worse.  I’ll still update when I can, but it’ll probably be random and not on a good schedule.  I’m so sorry guys!!!  Also, for those of you into Maribat, rhub4rb’s story; Home is Where the Heart is, is incredible!  Even though it’s a Marijon story, the grammar was great and it made me cry when I read it.  So if you haven’t read it yet, it might be something to check out.  Again, really sorry!


Okay, so we have a problem.  My sequel that I wrote to Olds Wounds, it accidentally got deleted.  I don’t know how because I know I didn’t do it.  But due to this, I’ll just be restarting my sequel on the Old Wounds.  Sorry guys!!!!


WHOA!!!!! WHAT!!!!!  It’s back now!!!!!