
After MONTHS of writing and editing a new story, that is way out of my element, my team and I have agreed that I am far enough into the story that we know how it is going to end and the storyline that we want to follow. 
          	So I am announcing that I have posted a new story! Hope you like it!
          	It will be updated every Friday at 12 pm est.


After MONTHS of writing and editing a new story, that is way out of my element, my team and I have agreed that I am far enough into the story that we know how it is going to end and the storyline that we want to follow. 
          So I am announcing that I have posted a new story! Hope you like it!
          It will be updated every Friday at 12 pm est.


So sorry for not updating ABWAB like everyone is asking me to. But with the recent shelter in places, going around. Me and the rest of my family are running around from store to store trying to find food for my family and some gosh darn toilet paper, before our state has one. But for now we should be good and the chapters should start rolling out, and it should be by the end of the week


Sorry for the really, REALLY long delay in Abandoned With A Baby and in Forbidden Mates. But Blake and me have been going through some tough personal things. To cool off from this my family is going on vacation, I will try to update sometime before or after we get home. I don’t know when I will be updating but when I do figure it out I will let you know! Again I am very sorry. You can go to https://linktr.ee/luna.writes for my social media links so you can be in constant updates!


Hey everyone, just an update for you guys. I`m still dealing with some personal issues, but I`m getting some free time to write chapters for my editor to edit, plus my editor is feeling better, so expect an update either tomorrow or the day after.


Hey everyone, so because of some personal problems, updates might be even slower. Plus my editor is sick so there might not be any updates for some days. Also, sorry for not updating or even telling you, but I should be back to regular updates soon. I`ll keep you guys updated when I can.


So I have 2 announcements:
          1. I changed my name, I decided that I would like to change it to this one because most people know me through this name and not the other and it was easier, Luna Love is my new name, not LunarTwilight.
          2. I have been thinking about putting The Day Their Lives Changed on hiatus, not forever I might pick it back up in a couple of months, but for now I feel that it should go on a sort of hiatus