
I'm not sure if chapter update notifications are still broken (I'm assuming they are since I haven't received any) but TWO new chapters of In the Shadows of Love were just posted!
          	Happy Sunday and, to anyone who is watching, happy Super Bowl Day! I hope you all enjoy the new chapters <3
          	As Always,


@WitchyVibes91 the most sacred day of the week, thank you for this blessing  ♥


I'm not sure if chapter update notifications are still broken (I'm assuming they are since I haven't received any) but TWO new chapters of In the Shadows of Love were just posted!
          Happy Sunday and, to anyone who is watching, happy Super Bowl Day! I hope you all enjoy the new chapters <3
          As Always,


@WitchyVibes91 the most sacred day of the week, thank you for this blessing  ♥


Since Wattpad notifications are broken right now for chapter notifications, I went ahead and posted all of The Pages We Wrote <3
          I'm currently finishing up my newest chapter for Veiled which should hopefully be posted later today. 
          In the Shadows of Love is still only updating 5 chapters a day but mostly because I am still working through the edits for that one. I have 50 plus chapters to edit for that story so it's taking me a bit longer. I'm hoping by next weekend, the story will be fully published and new chapters will be out! 
          As Always,


I should clarify: The Pages We Wrote did not have any modifications to it, I simply added it back to the shelf to be read <3


Veiled is back on the shelf and all past chapters are published! 
          I know wattpad is having issues currently with send chapter notifications for some so I’ll be sending an announcement when I do post a new chapter, which will helpfully be tomorrow. 
          Thanks again for all of your patience, love, and support! 
          As Always


Hi everyone! 
          I want to not flood your notifications too much so I'll be posting a few chapters each day as I edit. 
          I hope you enjoy the switch-ups! I've posted the introduction and first five chapters of In the Shadow. I'll post some more tomorrow and by the time all the chapters are reposted, I'll have some new chapters to add!
          If, while reading, you happen to see a mistake (the use of y/n somewhere that I might have missed) please let me know and I'll fix it!
          As Always,


shhhh my show is back on!!! ♥


Hello everyone,
          First, I want to thank everyone for your patience as I took my stories down. While they were down, I decided to do some rework on them. 
          For In the Shadows of Love, I've changed a few things. I have taken out Y/n and changed her to an MC now with a new and beautiful name. The second thing I did was change the character Elaine's name to Diana. I did this mostly because the MC's new name is similar to Elaine and I didn't want to cause too much confusion.
          For Veiled, I also took out the Y/n name and have switched to an MC with a new beautiful name as well. I have loved using Y/n but I feel like both of these stories really deserve their own MC considering how built up their stories and backstories are (or will be in the case of Veiled.)
          I'm finishing up the edits and hoping to start republishing the chapters by this weekend, including some new chapters for each story. Thank-you again for your patience and understanding. Happy reading!
          As Always,


@EllaSallow thank-you so much Ella! <3


Hi everyone,
          Just wanted to give a quick update that I'll be taking my stories down for now and taking a break. Too much has happened recently and I need to take some time away.
          To those who enjoyed my stories, I am so sorry and I hope I can be back one day. 
          As Always,


@WitchyVibes91 well I’ll enjoy rereading them when they are back. Okay 


@LaurenFitzpatrick they’ll be back up soon. I needed to take them down for personal reasons <3


Love your Rini story. You could have kept them up so that we could still read them, as I forgot what happens in a story. Take the time you need. 


Hi everyone!
          Quick update. I made some Halloween covers for In the Shadows of Love and Veiled! Thanks to my friend ruknee for the idea <3 
          I should have a new chapter out for both stories by this weekend! I hope you're all having a spooky October. 
          As always,




@ruknee I loved the idea! They were so fun to make 


Hi everyone!
          I wanted to take a quick moment to invite you all to a discord server that I run with a few others! It is a Harry Potter universe, Hogwarts Legacy, and Slytherin Boys fandom server. To change it up, we are Ilvermorny Themed!
          We have different server themes we use every two weeks plus fun game and music nights including smash or pass! Ready to make some new friends and meet people within your favorite fandom? Use the link below!
          MUST BE 18+ TO JOIN 
          As Always,