
@TazPepsiAdictDevil I put up another chapter of my story! I'd love for you to read it and comment! ;)


Uh well, I don't know if I'm that kind of writer. At least, not yet. I just prefer the sarcastic/witty flow of conversation to actual hardcore romance. Not that I'm not a fan of it myself, it's just how my writing's formed.


@WizardChick YAY!!! I know I nearly cried too :'(  but you know how at the end Merlin pushed Arthur out of the way to save his life...that was pretty awesome..but we all know he's not dead because, number 1 it was only the first episode so he can't die yet, and number 2 he was in  the "next time" XD But I can't wait for saturday!!! I'm so pleased that Merlin is finally back!! ^^


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