So, you know that feeling when you say you're going to do something and then you don't do it and you feel like a total jerk for promising that you would do said thing?
Well, that's how I feel right now. I said I'd write over the summer, and I didn't. Life has been up and down for the past 9 months.
For one, I was diagnosed with Patella Femoral syndrome back in August, and my doctor said it was the worst case that he had seen in his career. So I've been dealing with that for 6 months.
Second, I have had writer's block on and off. And when it's on, it's ON.
I want to get back to updating my stories, but I don't want to make any more promises that I'm not sure that I can keep. I am slowly getting back into the groove of things. So, what I CAN say is that an update is not far.
And to make sure I don't overwhelm myself, I'm deleting all of my works except for "Don't Give In" and "Eternal Darkness." I may even remake these two eventually. because my skills as a writer have improved. I sort of cringe at my writing then compared to now. And I want to show that.
So, I'm back, and I DO mean it this time. Things may just be quiet for a little bit.