So this is something unnecessary to mention. You know the main character in my story “Timeline of Despair”, right? (Aside from the other main characters being the DoD and Algae.) I had decided to come up with a new character that would be more anime styled. (Aside from the fact that I can’t even draw anime to begin with.) So I imagined the character and it slowly began to turn out like Pre-time. Even though nobody knows the stories except me, here are the similarities. They have a stepson who’s a dragon, had trauma, watched their parents/stepparents die in front of them, fights to protect, have powers, have transformations, have incredible strength and speed, have close combat weapons, get incredibly angry if they see their loved one hurt, would be willing to sacrifice anything even themselves for the safety of others and whatnot. I think I just made a Pre-time 2.0. And even their stories are different, yet they are closely similar characters. I really have a problem of making my OCs similar to each other, one way or another.


So this is something unnecessary to mention. You know the main character in my story “Timeline of Despair”, right? (Aside from the other main characters being the DoD and Algae.) I had decided to come up with a new character that would be more anime styled. (Aside from the fact that I can’t even draw anime to begin with.) So I imagined the character and it slowly began to turn out like Pre-time. Even though nobody knows the stories except me, here are the similarities. They have a stepson who’s a dragon, had trauma, watched their parents/stepparents die in front of them, fights to protect, have powers, have transformations, have incredible strength and speed, have close combat weapons, get incredibly angry if they see their loved one hurt, would be willing to sacrifice anything even themselves for the safety of others and whatnot. I think I just made a Pre-time 2.0. And even their stories are different, yet they are closely similar characters. I really have a problem of making my OCs similar to each other, one way or another.


I honestly somehow can’t comprehend the fact that I spent more time on making a character that’s prior to all of the current WoF events. You know I’d be referring to Pre-time. There are pretty much unreleased chapters with surprisingly many words in it that you’ll get bored and start reading another story.


Explicit language ahead and mild disturbing topic ahead. Exercise mental caution.
          So there’s this thing that I really wanted to talk about and that’s dark humor and I will be pretty much honest with you all. I don’t like it all. Like call me the guy that never gets the joke and is an idiot for that but I really hate those types of jokes. It just feels as if people fail to acknowledge the meaning behind of the dark joke. Literally minutes ago, I saw a video called “Idiots laughing at car crashes.” and it showed actual car crashes from live feed. I’ve seen worse things than that but hearing people laugh and two or more people getting injured or even dying just sounds far too disturbing. Sure I respect boundaries but those people were laughing at people’s pain and that’s not funny at all. In fact, that’s just heartbreaking. When it comes to injury, death, heavy mental injury, and detrimental emotional effects etcetera, it’s just horrible to even make a joke out of it. Almost as if it’s people getting hurt is something that should be laughed at. Sure if it’s intentional from them on a certain level and I strictly say on a certain level, it’s funny. But when taken too far, it needs to be stopped at once. I apologize for doing this rant but dark humor isn’t even funny anymore. It’s almost ruining old time cartoons for me.


@WoFToD But cartoons like  Tom and Jerry teach kids that violence and whacking people flat with basebsll bats is funny, and then we never really lose that habit of laughing at people getting injured, but only when there isnt any permanent damage for a lot of people.


Moreover, they just don’t get hurt. Sure they scream every now and then but they don’t really suffer any severe injury unless if the next scene shows them actually being hurt. I guess I find it funny because of how they’re immortal, yet the cat and mouse chase literally takes it to extreme levels and they can literally bend their own physiology however they can. I don’t find it funny in real life because of a chain of reactions that happen after it.


@TMN_TBH Well. I normally find that humorous as well, cartoon characters don’t really feel any initial injury. They just get turned into a different shape and survive it. Literally throw a bowling ball at them and they’ll turn into pins and get knocked over while also reforming back into their original state. Tom and Jerry literally has the best examples.


Can we all just say that we love @TMN_TBH for what she has done for us to create such a nice community. I mean it. People there are weirdos like I am and it’s pretty cool because everyone is just so nice and accepting. Not that anyone here wasn’t. It’s just that people go by on their daily commute to say hi and interact with one another. Kudos to her. She’s made a fantastic community, even after a troll had her account temporarily suspended. :)


@WoFToD dhshflqiehgfai i love how i never see any of the announcements concerning me- but AWWWWWW TY I never thought about it like a community, but that describes it pretty well, and im so happy people can come to me about random stuff, its awesome interacting with you guys <3 and dw about misgendering me, i change them randomly, but its fine if you use she/her pronouns, i just like they/them better lol


@WoFToD Totally fine! It's difficult for me too <3


@sochathedragon Oh. My bad. I apologize for that. I’ll make sure to use those pronouns from now on.


This is just messed up and wrong in so many many ways. I’m 16 and shouldn’t even be thinking of this at all, whatsoever but I’m very much into dragonesses. Why am I telling y’all this? I have no god forsaken clue.


@WoFToD thums up with the grades. Will be there mathematics. I was not careful with that. Took me by surprise. It was a bit too hard. I think? I dont like these surpriese. And dragonesses have quite a characters no? I like especialy their personalities. I love good stories. This is one of the stories. When I have time. I read mostly. Good luck with grades. Thumbs up.


Really unimportant and don’t look if you’re having a nice day. We don’t want it ruined. Ahem. Anyway, what’s your favorite song in Sonic Frontiers and what goes through your mind? Maybe something like OC & Canon Vs Canon or something else?


Hey guys. Sorry about doing nothing and all. Don’t really worry though. I still do write stories when I like. There’s even a complete and unreleased one. So. I kinda wanted you all to go out and give some of your biggest support to my friend @smol_bean311. She’s going through a rough time. Especially with what’s happening with her family but that’s as far as I’ll go as I don’t wish to push any buttons. She does keep in touch with everyone but it feels like her mood either worsens or improves. I’m only worried for her and just wish to let you all know to at least let her know that everything will be okay. You have my sincerest gratitude for at least reading this and acknowledging the situation.


@smol_bean311 No problem, really. Just wanna make sure that everyone’s okay. You really matter. (And I hope other people do come across this announcement so they can follow you too. Stay safe!)


@WoFToD im kinda crying, I did not expect this,thank you