
My stores may not be good but I try my best and I like writing. I like to draw, read, play outside, play video games, and many other things. if you think I might like what you write tell me the title and I will check it out. here is something I like to think about when I feel down or when I was bullied. There will never be another you, so don't let people bring you down. Their words or actions may hurt you but they might be jelouse of how awesome you are. You may feel alone in the world but if you have at least one awesome friend that you may think is your long lost sister or brother. That is all you need and your family. Do the things you love to do because who can take away your happyness? You may think a lot of people can, but they can't without you giving it to them. You are one in the amount of stars in the sky. Live your life to the fullest you only have this life why have other people tell you what you can and cannot like. Don't give other people that power be you make them see you don't care and how awesome you are. Show people your full potential and not what they thought you were.


My stores may not be good but I try my best and I like writing. I like to draw, read, play outside, play video games, and many other things. if you think I might like what you write tell me the title and I will check it out. here is something I like to think about when I feel down or when I was bullied. There will never be another you, so don't let people bring you down. Their words or actions may hurt you but they might be jelouse of how awesome you are. You may feel alone in the world but if you have at least one awesome friend that you may think is your long lost sister or brother. That is all you need and your family. Do the things you love to do because who can take away your happyness? You may think a lot of people can, but they can't without you giving it to them. You are one in the amount of stars in the sky. Live your life to the fullest you only have this life why have other people tell you what you can and cannot like. Don't give other people that power be you make them see you don't care and how awesome you are. Show people your full potential and not what they thought you were.