
Chapter 4 is out!!! Took me longer than I thought to publish since I decided last minute to rewrite most of it PLEASE leave comments and let me know what you think!!


Take your time writing to make a great storyline you need support and faith in yourself and in your imagination I used to write a lot but I stopped because I started to believe what other people told me that I would never be good for it when you write something that you wish people would love to read it needs to come from your soul the thought of making something that people would love and read it needs to be something special and fascinating to keep their interests on the only thing they could help them love the imagination of it so keep writing and don't let anybody tell you what you love to do because if writing is what you want to do then you write your heart out because that's your faith and support in yourself.


Real talk…
          Does anyone really like my story ‘Fear of Tall’??
          I feel like it’s not that liked and if I’m being honest I don’t want to write a book that no one is going to read, it makes me lose motivation on writing it lol.
          With that I wanted to know if anyone actually wants me to continue it or to maybe put it on hold for a bit while I work on my other book and possibly start a new one. 
          Please leave your thoughts and let me know what you’re thinking cuz I’m kinda in a limbo rn..


@ WolfMates4Life  sorry for commenting late but i like it :) 