@iheartrainnn hopefully soon! My exams are near!! Imma head out of instagram for some time! Will probably post another oneshot in May-June! Glad to see you so excited! ✨♥️
@iheartrainnn hopefully soon! My exams are near!! Imma head out of instagram for some time! Will probably post another oneshot in May-June! Glad to see you so excited! ✨♥️
@Goldenmaknae56 I am so sorry authornim. I don’t know what’s wrong with wattpad T-T I deleted our conversation so it would stop. Did it stop or is it continuing T-T please suggest me some ways to stop it authornim T-T
@kendallsbracelet ooohhh hi!!!!!!! Omg YOU are too nice yourself, beautiful! Yeah, it’s such a delight meeting another EXOL! ❤️❤️❤️ pleased to meet you! ☺️